Summer's Beginning

Start from the beginning

Their eyes met briefly, a fleeting connection that sent a subtle but undeniable jolt through Niall. Zayn smiled politely, a small yet captivating curve of his lips, and turned his attention back to the cufflinks. For years to come Niall wouldn't be able to explain what happen that day, but for for some reason Niall felt an uncharacteristic surge of boldness, and he stepped closer to the man.

"Those are quite nice," Niall commented, nodding towards the cufflinks. "Thinking of getting them?"

Zayn looked up, his smile widening. "Perhaps. They remind me of something my father used to wear. He had a similar pair."

Their conversation started casually, but there was an undercurrent of something more, a sense of two souls somehow recognizing each other amidst the crowd. They talked about trivial things at first - the fair, the music, the warm summer - but gradually, their dialogue deepened, revealing snippets of their lives.

Niall learned that Zayn and his family were new in Maplewood Grove, they had moved in not too long ago. Zayn, on the other hand, was captivated by Niall's passion for jazz music, his eyes lighting up whenever Niall mentioned a band or a song he loved.

As the evening wore on,the fair is lit by strings of lights crisscrossing above, casting a warm glow. The atmosphere becomes more magical, with the soft hum of conversations, laughter, and music creating a lively yet intimate setting.  Niall found himself walking side by side to Zayn. gravitating towards each other.

They seemed to notice as they were moving towards the music stage. The place was small stage set up for local bands, to play popular tunes. The dance floor was filled with couples  swinging to lively jazz and swing music lost in the rhythm of the moment. The band was filling the air with their music.

"Care to dance?" Zayn asked, a playful challenge in his eyes.

Niall hesitated for a fraction of a second. He wasn't much of a dancer, but there was something about Zayn that made him want to say yes, to step into the unknown. And so, he nodded, answering the challenge with a smile.

They made their way to the dance floor, a patch of grass that had been worn smooth by countless feet. The music enveloped them, a lively jazz number that was both invigorating and intimidating. Niall felt a momentary awkwardness, unsure of his steps, but Zayn's hand on his waist was steady, reassuring.

As they danced, Niall found himself being led with a surprising ease, their movements syncing to the rhythm. Zayn was a good dancer, his steps confident yet gentle, guiding Niall through the dance with an effortless grace. Around them, the world seemed to blur into a swirl of colors and sounds, the music, the laughter, the chattering all merging into a backdrop for their moment.

They danced through several songs, losing track of time as the evening slipped into night. The fair around them buzzed with energy, but in their little bubble, it was just the two of them and the music. It was during a slow number, the band's tune mellowing into a soft melody, that they found themselves drawn closer, the space between them diminishing.

Niall could feel Zayn's breath against his cheek, the warmth of his hand through the thin fabric of his shirt. There was a sense of rightness in that closeness, a feeling of having found something he didn't even know he was looking for. Their eyes met, and for a moment, the world stood still, the noise and bustle of the fair fading into insignificance. Niall drew his attention, almost instinctively to Zayn's lips. They were thin and somehow seemed soft. He found himself coveting those lips.

But as the song ended and the music faded, reality seeped back in. They stepped apart, the spell of the dance breaking, leaving them both a little breathless and a lot more aware of the connection that had sparked between them.

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