You ignored her pursed mouth and furrowed eyebrows as you moved forward and pulled her chair out. Natasha looked startled but must have decided to help as she pushed back in her chair while looking at you. Once enough space had been made, you settled down across her lap, positioning yourself to face her. She looked magnificent as her pursed mouth changed into a small smirk, and her eyes flashed in amusement. You couldn't help but admire her, tracing her features greedily with your eyes - starting from her high cheekbones, smooth skin, cute nose, to her thick, inviting lips.

"What are you up to, little one?" Natasha murmured while studying your face.

"I just want to help you relax. You seem so tense, and I want to help," you answered softly, leaning in to caress her neck but stopping just short of touching her, uncertain if it was appropriate.

"It's been a rough day," Natasha acknowledged, looking at your hovering hand. "You can touch me if you want. I won't bite. Unless you want me to," she said casually, and that attractive smirk returned.

You felt confidence soar through your veins as she tilted her head and her smirk turned in to a soft smile. She groaned softly as you reached out and caressed her neck down to her shoulder, applying pressure with your thumb to massage the tensed muscle. Natasha breathed out, closing her eyes and resting her head against the chair.

"Is this okay?" you asked cautiously, observing her warily, unsure if you were doing it right. But since she hadn't pushed you away, perhaps you were fine.

"Mmm, it's more than okay, sweetie," Natasha replied softly. When she opened her eyes, you gulped nervously. "All I need is you, and I feel so much more relaxed," she smiled.

"Tell me what to do, and I'll do it," you offered eagerly, desiring nothing more than to see Natasha this relaxed.

Natasha didn't respond immediately, her gaze lingered heavily over your body, making your heart race in response.

"Simply being able to have you like this is enough," Natasha finally said with a soft smile.

Your body seemed to have a mind of its own, and before you could register what you were doing, your hands were on the collar of Natasha's shirt, pulling her in until your lips collided.

Natasha appeared stunned at first but swiftly took control of the kiss, and you surrendered to it as if your entire being was sighing with relief. Feeling Natasha's fingers wrap around the back of your neck, caressing the sensitive skin caused a shiver to travel down your spine. Your heart thrumming like a hummingbird's, chest tight with anticipation as Natasha kissed you so deeply it made you ache for more. It felt as though Natasha poured every emotion into the kiss, and you absorbed it all, hearing words that were being shared without a voice.

A sound vibrated from your throat, not forced but something liberated and genuine, erupting from deep within. A sound of longing, joy, feeling seen, feeling wanted, and above all, a sound of need. You weren't entirely certain what you desired, only that you yearned for more, anything to heighten the pleasure.

A flicker of embarrassment made you to break the kiss. This wasn't part of the plan, but deep down, you acknowledged your mind's obsession with the thought of kissing her. The desire crawled under your skin, and worry tightened your chest for what you had become.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do that," you uttered quietly.

"Never apologize for kissing me," Natasha said gently, tipping your chin up to meet her eyes, "doesn't it feel good to kiss me?" She asked with a curved smile.

"It's all I can think about," you confessed, amazed at how effortlessly Natasha coaxed confessions from you.

"Mmm, trust me, dear, I have a whole world of sensations to introduce you to," Natasha murmured softly against your skin as she leaned in and gently kissed your pulse point.

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