Chapter 6: It never Happened..

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  "LAURIEN!" yelled Avis banging on her bathroom door trying to get in. I wonder how I got here in the first place, like my morning is already messed up. How could he even ask me that question? "Can I pick you up?"

"I'M COMING!" I yelled back to Avis. I don't know how to feel, or how Mr. Stefans feel like I mean. We did sleep together and now I'm being called up to the station for a murder not just any murder. THE MURDER OF HIS EX-GIRLFRIEND! I wonder how it feels to find out that the woman that you slept with is a suspect of your ex-girlfriend's death? I finally decided to come out of the bathroom.

"Look guys I have to go so....Yeah" I said in a hurry while I grabbed my things off of Avis's beautiful couch.

"Hey, Hey, Hey, why the hurry girl?" Avis asked, completely concerned.

"I just really need to go get ready for the day, and I have to be in the office by 12:30." I responded while opening the door. God how did I get myself into something so this...

At the Police Station...

Then I saw Mr. Stefans waiting for me. "Ms. Carson this is my partner Ms. Sutherland." Luciano said. Then... there goes some 5 '5 woman, with short black hair, tan skin, and a beautiful figure. I couldn't believe she even decided to become a Model.

"Hello," I responded, looking her up and down.

"It's pleasing to meet you Ms. Carson. I'm pretty sure my partner has told you why you might be here." She said with a very voice. Honestly, I really wondered who she was talking to, but again this is nothing and I mean nothing is a joke. I followed them in the interrogation room.

"So, I'm pretty sure you're familiar with this victim." Ms. Sutherland said while passing me a picture of Jasmeen. In my defense she was a pretty girl.

"Not really, I just saw her at a cafe with a mutual friend," I recalled while looking down at the picture. Then Ms. Sutherland looked at me.

"Well, was there anything out of the ordinary?" She asked out of curiosity. I don't think telling her how we met might clear me from this suspect list so I couldn't tell the truth.

"No, she just looked calm and stuff," I responded with a straight face. Luciano gave me a stern look. After three hours they let me go. Luciano followed me outside the station, and I guess he wasn't too happy About my so-called "truth".

"YOU LIED!" He yelled while following me to my silver Toyota.

"I didn't lie all I did was just tell half of the truth she never asked for details," I responded while still walking away from him. I don't know why he cares so much; well, I mean he is a detective, so he does have every right to be made. On top of that it is an investigation for his ex-girlfriend. Well, it's not my fault anymore I told his partner what happened, and now it's not my problem anymore.

"Ms. Carson this is a murder investigation, it's serious manners," He tried explaining, but I wasn't trying to listen. I'm not walking right back in that place, and then telling the truth. They'll keep me there longer and longer. Until I'm forced into a fake confession to the murder.

"Goodbye, Mr. Stefans," I said while entering my car and closing the door. I drove away not caring, I know it's bad, but I don't want to be a part of that. Also, I'm late to work anyways.

At the apartment...

(While walking down the hall to my apartment)

What a day honestly, I'm honestly drained, I just want to chill before work honestly. Well, I could've easily let go of that thought when I saw a policeman walking towards me.

"Excuse me, Miss you can't go in there," said the Policeman. I was confused. They removed the body and cleaned the crime scene.

"What do you mean you cleaned the scene up," I responded. I can't believe I can't be in my own apartment that I've paid for.

"Miss I'm afraid I have to tell you-" He tried finishing his sentence, but I was too annoyed and tired to even care to listen.

"GET TO THE DAMN POINT!" I yelled while showing that I was actually annoyed.

"Your apartment might be an accessory to the Murder, while the policemen were scooping the scene out some blood was on the wall by your apartment door," the Policeman replied.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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