Chapter 11

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Moon Sarang POV

As I woke up the next day the day started just as every other: wake up and turn off Jake's alarm, go to the bathroom and get dressed, wake up Jake and get my stuff ready to go. 
As I had left over to shake the said male awake I had noticed the dark circles under his eyes.

Didn't he sleep for almost eleven hours?

After managing to get him to wake up I had headed out to get something to drink before class started. On the way to the food hall, I spotted a cat crossing the campus field. It was very cute.
Half an hour later I walked into my economics class with a bottle of juice in my hand. As I had spent some time walking outside the classroom was almost full by the time I found myself a seat. Only a few seconds later the teacher walked in.

I wish I could say that I aced economics like every other subject, but among the classes I had this was one of the ones where I actually had to take notes. As the lecture wrapped up I closed my notebook and threw that, alongside my pen, into my backpack.

Today felt kind of empty. Like I was a puppet just doing the same routine I did every day.
After my tutoring session ended I felt fed up by the empty feeling. It felt like I had been living the square a-four life for too long, and needed something to break the circle. Instead of heading back to the apartment with some dinner, I decided to rather leave campus to do something. What, exactly, I didn't know yet.

The sun had set a while ago. With music blasting in my ears, I rode the bike I had rented alongside a river on the other side of the city. The wind blew through my hair, and it was frost Now I realised that fall was starting to arrive.
There were not many buildings around, some in the faint horizon, but mostly it was just me and the lamppost.

Penguin Guy

What are you doing?

Just out for some fresh air.
How about you?

Just ended practice.
I am going to a party this weekend, what time come with?

Sure, why not?

Don't get me wrong, I liked going to parties. But, as much as I despised it, my social battery could only handle so much. I enjoyed parties and moments along equally as much, though I tended to lean more toward being alone. It was fewer people to rely on, and only myself to argue with when it came to deciding what to do. I am not lonely, but I am alone.

As I had eventually reached the end of the road by some abandoned dock I had turned around and started making my way back to the city. The clock was starting to get late, and I had yet not eaten anything.
I stopped by a convenience store on the outskirts of the city. I felt like one of those TikTok influencers as I made myself some ramen and tteokbokki as well as that viral ice drink.

As I sat down by the window-table a notification from Sori propped up on my phone. I leaned over and unlocked the device with the Face ID as my fingers were now inconveniently covered in hot sauce from the spice carbonara ramen.

𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 | Jake Sim 심재윤Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant