The Rats Lair

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Mirabel watched as (Y/N) ran, she wanted to run after her, but stayed by Luisa's side,
"Mom!" She called, and Julietta rushed over and knelt by Mirabel,

"What happened?" She asked, her voice full of worry.

"(Y/N) she... burned Luisa," Mirabel was conflicted, she loved (Y/N) like a sister but she didn't know whether to run after her or to stay put. A man rushed over, Mirabel didn't recognize him but Julietta did,

"Bruno!" She wrapped him up in a hug.

"Tio Bruno?" Mirabel asked, Bruno nodded and tried to escape Julietta's tight embrace. Mirabel was shocked, what was he doing here? Bruno managed to escape from her mother and ran after (Y/N),

"Will she be ok?" She asked, motioning to Luisa. Julietta examined Luisa's burn,

"She should be fine, I'll be right back." Julietta ran over to the casita and disappeared inside. Mirabel stared at Bruno, she was confused, what was he doing here, her mom had told her he left fifteen years ago. Mirabel began to run after Bruno, trying to catch up with (Y/N).
Mirabel was soon out of breath and had to stop, she watched as (Y/N) disappeared into the trees with Bruno hot on her heels. Julietta took Mirabel's hand,

"Do you think (Y/N) will be ok?" Mirabel asked

"I'm sure she will be fine," Julietta reassured her, "but for now I think it's best to leave her alone." Mirabel reluctantly let her mom push her towards the casita.

The family gathered around the dining table, Mirabel tried not to look at the wall where (Y/N) had burned a large hole.

"What do we do now?" Isabella angled the question towards Abuela, who still seemed to be comprehending the night's events.

"We have to find (Y/N)," Mirabel said, "We have to make sure she's ok."

"But look at what she did to Antonio," Pepa said, "she hurt him!"

"It was an accident." Mirabel was sure that (Y/N) wouldn't hurt Antonio on purpose. "How did he get burned anyway?"

Pepa seemed to be conflicted and said nothing. So Mirabel turned to Dolores, if anyone knew what happened it would be her,

"Dolores, do you know what happened?"
Dolores glanced between Mirabel and Pepa,

"Bruno was living in the walls, and (Y/N) was visiting him." Dolores quietly said. And the family erupted with questions,

"Wait, that still doesn't explain what happened."

"Umm, I told mom and she went and confronted Bruno and (Y/N) was there. Mom got mad and accused her." Dolores said all of this quickly and then looked to the ground. All eyes turned to Pepa.

"Well, um..." Pepa seemed to be thinking of something to say.

"Pepa, why didn't you tell me the second you found out?" Abuela walked over to Pepa,

"I didn't know what to do! I wasn't trying to make (Y/N) do what she did!" Thunder cracked and the room was soaked as it started to rain.

"Hey, calm down." Felix tried to comfort his wife.

"Well we need to find (Y/N)," Mirabel said, "She might be hurt!"

"Mirabel is right," Abuela agreed, "we need to find her and make sure she doesn't do any more damage." Mirabel felt her mouth drop open, (Y/N) didn't do anything on purpose.

Abuela and everyone else should know that (Y/N) was kind and had no bad intentions, she was nothing like how the rest of the family made her mom sound.

"We should look through Bruno's things." Mirabel was surprised that Dolores was the one to suggest it.

"Yes, we should." Pepa began to walk forward, Mirabel followed and so did Luisa. They entered Bruno's "room" and began to look through his things. She hoped that they wouldn't find anything that proved he was a bad guy, she hoped that it was just a living space and nothing more.

Before now Mirabel hadn't realised how many rats lived in the walls, most ran to the corner but some didn't, they seemed to have made themselves at home.  How long had he been living back there? Mirabel's question was answered when she took a closer look at everything, he hadn't left.

We Don't Talk About Bruno: What if Bruno had a Daughter?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant