"Can you tell me about her?" (Y/N) asked. Bruno seemed hesitant but he seemed to decide no harm would be caused by doing what she requested.

"Your mother," he paused with a smile playing on his lips, "Maria was kind, and seemed to always be there when I needed her."

"Why does everyone seem to hate her then?"

Bruno's smile formed into a frown, "They didn't understand, like they don't understand my gift." (Y/N) understood what he meant, the town seemed to think that when he saw something the vision made it happen. But she knew that this wasn't the case, the future would happen and there was nothing you could do to stop it. When her dad saw a vision he was simply warning you of what was to come, not causing it. "Your Mother wasn't bad, or a danger to the encanto, but the people thought her... connections were."

(Y/N) had not heard the whole story, just the part about her mother's "connections" and they sat in silence as she processed the new information.

Bruno seemed uncomfortable and he picked up a rat and petted it as he thought. (Y/N) flinched, she didn't approve of him living with rats. It was... unsanitary.

"How's Antonio adjusting to  his new gift?" Her dad finally asked.

"Good, he seems to really enjoy it. But earlier today he was avoiding me. I'm not sure why, I mean I know the family disapproves of me..." 

"Hey," Bruno took her hands, "our family might have... complicated feelings about you and me, but I love you and I'm sure they love you too. Even if sometimes they are blinded by their feelings for me, you shouldn't let that shape who you are, or who they think you are."
(Y/N) smiled and let herself think about what he had said.

Bruno took her hands, "I know what I did, and I regret it. If I could I would have taken back what I told Pepa, I wish she could have had the wedding she wanted."

Suddenly Thunder cracked and they jumped. Pepa stood in the doorway, her face a mix of emotions. (Y/N) took a step back, trying to comprehend what Pepa was doing there.

"You, you ruined my wedding, don't act like you regret it!" Papa's voice carried throughout the small room, she stalked closer to Bruno as he tried to move out of the way. (Y/N)'s eyes grew wide as she realised that Pepa must have been following her, "You hurt this family, you tried to hurt the encanto!"

"I-I didn't know-" Bruno tried to explain but Pepa wouldn't hear it,

"How could you not? You can see the future!" (Y/N) pressed her back against the wall as the wind picked up, surrounding Pepa in a hurricane that swallowed up the small space.

"And you!" Pepa turned to (Y/N), "you act all innocent, you knew he was here this whole time! But you told no one, or were you trying to keep your secret plan all to yourselves?" (Y/N) had no idea what Pepa was talking about.

"Pepa? What do you-" (Y/N) tried to ask but the wind drowned out her voice.

"If you really loved this family, you would have told us the second you found out! You really are like your parents!"

(Y/N) felt tears forming in her eyes, she would never try to hurt the Encanto, she loved her family. (Y/N) felt her hands begin to grow hot as Pepa continued accusing her of plotting to destroy the encanto.

"(Y/N)'s mother had no intention of hurting the merical!" Bruno yelled over the wind, "And you know it!"

"Then why did she leave?! Why did she leave when we found out?!" The rain whipped around Pepa, and Bruno's answer was drowned out by thunder cracking. (Y/N) jumped as she was almost struck by a bolt of electricity.

(Y/N) couldn't do anything but watch as Pepa and Bruno yelled at each other, most of their words drowned out by the ongoing storm. She only caught a few sentences but she understood, this was why Bruno had left. This was what he had to deal with after her mother left.

(Y/N) tried to say something to make them stop, but her words were swept away by the wind. Eventually she couldn't take it anymore,
"Shut up!" The words escaped her mouth and she gasped as the wall behind her began to glow red hot until the wood was refused to ashes.

A gaping hole was singed into the wall, but that wasn't the worst part. Antonio stood in the opening, waving his hands in the air, tears running down his face.

His hands were burned, the soft skin covered in blisters. He must have been listening from the other side!

(Y/N) placed her hands over her mouth, and a look of horror spread across her face. She had hurt Antonio,

"I'm so sorry! I-I..." (Y/N) tried to apologise.

Pepa ran to his side, cradling his burnt hands in hers. The rest of the family entered the dining room, they must have been woken by the noise. Many of them looked confused, but when their gases fell on the destruction she had caused they all seemed to understand. Julietta ran to Antonio's side while everyone else stood in shock.

"How did this happen?" Felix asked.

"I-I..." (Y/N) was too horrified to speak, Pepa turned to her.

"How could you do this?!"

"I didn't mean to, it was an accident!" (Y/N) stammered. Mirabel approached (Y/N) her hands out,

"Hey, calm down." Mirabel tried to take her hand but (Y/N) flinched,

"Please, I don't want to hurt you!" She backed away, but a burst of light escaped her hands and seemed to shatter as it touched the floor.

Mirabel stepped back, a look of fear crossed her face. Abuela stepped forward, "(Y/N)!" She accused her, (Y/N) took another step back. Her hand fumbled for the doorknob. Mirabel looked from (Y/N) to the door,

"Wait!" She called but, (Y/N) was already outside, trying to get as much distance between her and the casita,

"(Y/N)! Wait!" Mirabel yelled after her, (Y/N) glanced back and saw Luisa and Mirabel chasing after her. She ran faster, but Luisa managed to catch up to her.

She grabbed (Y/N) and began to pull her back,
"No! Please!" (Y/N) tried to warn her, but Luisa suddenly dropped her. A burn in the shape of her hand resting on Luisa's arm.

(Y/N) was horrified, she never wanted to hurt anyone. She tried to scramble back but ended up falling to the ground. Fear gripped her as the nearby houses began to turn on lights.

(Y/N) tried to run but her foot caught on the hem of her skirt, the ground rushed up to meet her. But she scrambled back and sprinted towards the tall mountains that circled the village.

Mirabel called after her but (Y/N) didn't stop. She was scared of what might happen if she came back, she didn't want to hurt anyone else.

We Don't Talk About Bruno: What if Bruno had a Daughter?Where stories live. Discover now