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"Can't we just start without him, he's always late and I hate tardiness", Felix stated while Hyunjin and Changbin glanced at each other.

Suddenly the couple diverted their eyes from the whining Felix to Chan who slowly tiptoed towards their table and stood behind Felix who was still complaining.

Chan placed his index finger over his mouth as a sign for the couple to not tell Felix he's behind him. "I'm sure you guys agree with me, he's probably still asleep from f*cking some prostitutes last night", Felix continued while Chan slightly bent over to place his lips close to Felix's ear, "I don't sleep with prostitutes princess".

Felix yelped out loud from being startled by Chan who took his seat next to him while laughing. "Stop doing that, it's not funny, and stop calling me princess too you man whore!!", Felix snapped at Chan who wouldn't stop laughing while Changbin and Hyunjin tried holding back their laugh.

When Chan finally stopped laughing, he turned to look at Felix from head to toe with lust in his eyes, "You know princess, if you want me to f*ck you, you could just say so instead of talking behind my back and telling lies", Chan stated with an eyebrow raised.

This made Felix roll his eyes before staring back at him, "I wouldn't f*ck you even if you were the last man on earth!", Felix spat and looked away.

Chan smirked while he eye f*cked Felix. "Do you know how sexy you are when you mad"? he asked. Felix looked at him in detest, and as he was about to snap at him again, Hyunjin decided to step in.

"Guys, stop okay, we didn't call you here to fight, but because we have something to tell you", Hyunjin said with a smile before looking at Changbin who was also smiling back at him.

After hearing that, Chan and Felix turned their heads to face their friends curiously. "Are you guys breaking up?", Chan questioned, while Felix shook his head at him, "Not everyone can't keep a relationship like you a**hole", Felix told him before facing the couple again.

"WE GETTING MARRIED!!", the couple shouted out simultaneously. Felix smiled widely at the news and held Hyunjin's hand happily. On the other hand, Chan furrowed his eyebrows before facing Changbin.

"Dude, aren't you moving too fast", he asked, causing Felix and Hyunjin to scowl at him, while Changbin chuckled . "How are moving too fast man, we've been dating for over 2 years now.

Chan scoffed at Changbin's words, "I mean I'm happy for you two, I just didn't think you would get married now, I thought me and you will still enjoy life, go clubbing, golfing, bowling or fishing till we forty years old and then settle down".

Felix snorted at him while Hyunjin rolled his eyes. "We can still do all those things Chan, just not as often as before. Love changes you, and you'll also experience it too one day, plus, we not getting any younger", Changbin told him, causing Chan to shake his head.

"You know I don't believe in that Bin, love doesn't exist because its just a cliché, so is marriage. Plus we still young, so what's the rush?", Chan questioned Changbin who glanced at his angry looking fiancé.

Felix saw his best friend's look and decided to step in," Don't worry Hyunjin, let me take care of this", he said before turning his upper body to face Chan.

"Of course you wouldn't believe in it because you probably have never been in love, a shameless man whore like you will never understand", Felix told him off, making Chan smirk at him, "And what does a virgin like you know about love princess?", Chan striked back.

"F*ck you, i know about love, and I'm not a virgin!", Felix whisper yelled at him before looking away irritatedly. "Aaaw.... then why are you blushing and your ears red princess, if you want me to belive that you're not a virgin, then allow me to f*uck you, no strings attached", Chan said with a wide grin on his face.

Felix looked at him with disgust, "Keep dreaming a**hole!", he snapped at him, while Chan winked at him. "Okay guys, we called the both of you here to share our good news and also because we want you both to be our best men at our wedding", Hyunjin told them excitedly.

Chan rolled his eyes while Felix happily stood up to go hug his friend, "OMG Hyunjin I'd be happy to, im so happy for you and Changbin, I can't wait to help you out with the wedding plans, it's gonna be fun", Felix said joyfully while still hugging his best friend.

Changbin's eyes went to Chan who looked unhappy while silently staring outside the window. "Chan, you've been my best friend since 8th grade, and I know we did everything together and planned to get married at 40, but people grow and change, that's why I would appreciate your support by standing by my side at the altar", Changbin pleaded.

"Fine!", Chan said while clenching his jaw. "Thank you bro, it means alot to me. "Whatever, anyways, when is the wedding?", Chan asked blatantly, while Hyunjin smiled at seeing him ease up.

"It'll be in two months, I'm so excited", Hyunjin responded cheerfully. "OMG Hyunjin, we've got alot to do, the venue, guests list, catering, deco, cake, rings, outfits, engagement party, we gotta work fast", Felix rambled on with hooded eyes, causing the engaged couple to laugh at his cuteness while Chan shook his head.

Felix noticed it and frowned at him, "Why are you shaking your head?". Chan smirked at him before responding, "Because judging by the way you're babbling on and on, I know now that you really are a virgin, who's probably single", he mocked him.

Changbin and Hyunjin widened their eyes at Chan, while Felix took a glass of water on the table and splashed it on his face before standing up to face him, "It's better to be single than to f*ck everything that walks or breathes man whore", Felix blurted out angrily before beading farewell to Hyunjin and Changbin.

Chan wiped his face and smirked as he watched the annoyed Felix walk out of the restaurant. "He wants me!", he stated confidently, while the Hyunjin and Changbin shook their heads at him.

*To be continued....
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