Figuring it Out

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A little boy's scream rang through the hallway.

The patter of small footsteps sounded, getting closer and closer to their doom.

The monster laughed sinisterly, chasing his victim. He had him right where he wanted him.

"Daddy! Help me!"


"Daddy! He's coming to get me! Help!"

The little boy made it to the kitchen where his father was.

But it was too late.


Hands grabbed the little boy and threw him up in the air before catching him again easily.



The screams quickly turned to hard-to-contain giggles.

"Uncle Anti, stop it!!"

The said 'monster' was attacking him with tickles on his sides.

The father, meanwhile, was sipping his tea with a small smirk on his face.

"Alright, Anti, ya got him. Play time's over"

Anti, still smiling wide and chuckling, put little Jack down and gave his hair a ruffle.

Jack fixed his hair stubbornly, "Hey dad, when are the others supposed to get here?"

"What? Ya not happy with my company?!" Anti feigned hurt.

"No!" Jack shoved him, "I just can't wait to see Olivia, Benny and Iris again is all"

Chase shrugged, "They'll be here soon. It's not even noon yet, kid. Go help your mother, will ya? That should keep your mind off it. And if she doesn't need help, why don't ya go play checkers with Uncle Jameson?"

Little Jack sighed but didn't argue, " . . .okay" he walked off towards the living room, leaving Chase and Anti by themselves in the kitchen.

Anti nodded to him, "What's up? I take it you wanted to talk?"

Chase set his tea down on the counter and nodded, taking a deep breathe, "How long's it been now, Anti? Since the fight?"

Anti didn't like thinking about it. He hated remembering that day. But it hadn't been all bad. It led them to the lives they had now.

"About a year. Why?" he crossed his arms, uncomfortable with the conversation already.

Chase knew this but he couldn't help himself, " . . . . I just . . . . I don't know. . .  it still feels weird to me . . you know? I know I should be happy but everytime I see her face . . . MY Stacey is all I can think about it. How he killed her. This still all feels like a dream. Like they're not really my family."

"I'm gonna stop you right there, Chase" Anti halted him, "Just relax. The fight is over. We've talked about this. They are still your family. They are exact. I know it's hard. . . . every time I see YOU guys . . .I still see MY Septics dead on the floor. But I know you all are the same people. You're still my brothers no matter the  universe. Just as they are still your family . . . no matter what universe they are from. Okay?"

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