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"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHH? Old man, who's the pipsqueak? He looks just like you!"

A distinct voice of a white-haired teen rang out, surprise etched onto his face as his eyes were wide in surprise.

A fist suddenly connected the boy's skull, the white-haired boy's companion raven-haired being the perpetrator of the attack. He pushed the other male's head down as he bowed, a sign of apology. However, even he had a perplexed expression on his face.

"Apologies, sensei. But why have you brought us this kid? Is he your son?"

A chuckle followed that question, for it was an innocent curiosity of the first-year's mind.

"Satoru, Suguru. This is the young man I was telling you about."

An old man spoke, his tone conveying authority masked by the gentle nature of a frail elderly man. He wore a slim-sleeved black shirt, clinging to his well-built body developed over decades of hard work and fighting, complimented by a pair of baggy grey joggers. They were tailored for flexibility and comfort, followed by a pair of indoor slippers. His silver eyes never left the two teens, piercing through the souls of any they targeted, glowing with the wisdom of an elder and the power of a martial artist.

The man gestured to a small boy next to him. He was small but surprisingly well-built for his age. He wore a white martial arts gi, a yellow belt tied around his waist, his orange eyes peering up at the two taller sorcerers-in-training.

True to Satoru's exclamation, the boy had a frightening similarity with the first-grade sorcerer that stood before them. On his head, spiky and untamed white hair erupted from his scalp, with two spires pointing to the heavens above. The old man's hair was much shorter; however, there was a similarity.

The raven-haired teen, now known as Suguru Geto, gasped in realisation, side-eyeing the white-haired teen as his hand was shoved off the other's head. He ignored his friend, lowering himself into a crouching position to meet the child at eye level, offering a kind smile and a handshake.

"Hello, I'm Suguru Geto. I'm a first-year student learning at Jujutsu High to become a sorcerer; what's your name?"

The child looked slightly cautious, but in appreciation of his gentle introduction, he took the larger male's hand and shook it. He put some force behind his grip, trying to express his strength without words. Something that Suguru caught onto, chuckling to himself.

The child found the confidence to speak.

"I'm G-"

The gentle student was shoved to the side, with an arrogant Satoru Gojo taking his place before the child had a chance to introduce himself.

"Oi, oi, oi. Little man, what do you think you're doing talking to your superiors like that? You should show some respect."

Suguru sighed in exasperation, getting up and dusting himself off. He knew his friend would do something stupid like this; he would often brag to him that if he ever met this mystery kid, the first-grade sorcerer talked about it so often that he would let the kid 'know his place' and 'act like their teachers for them'.

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