Start from the beginning

"Exactly," Ariel nodded.

"Aww, that's so sweet. But you girls should start heading to school," Mom calmly said.

They both nodded and were about to leave when I called them. "Oh, guys!" They turned to face me.

"If you see Jackson, just make up an excuse for me," I requested.

"Of course," Sydney nodded.

"Obviously, wouldn't want your future..." Ariel smirked, about to finish her sentence, but I immediately threw a pillow at her, making everyone laugh.

"I'm joking," Ariel chuckled, throwing the pillow back at me.

"That's enough fun, ladies," Mom chuckled as she carried Max in her arms. He was busy playing with her purse. "Now, Mia, I'll be heading out with them. Are you sure you can take care of yourself?"

I nodded, getting up. "Yes, Mom, I'm good. If anything happens, I'll call you asap." She smiled upon hearing that and gave me a kiss on the head before leaving with Sydney and Ariel.

"Bye, Mia!" Max waved at me with his tiny, cute hands.

"Bye," I smiled, waving back until they were out of sight. I settled back into the sofa, wondering how I was going to survive the day.

Today was going to be a long day.





"This sucks," I muttered, switching off the TV and throwing the remote onto the other sofa. After spending a few hours in the living room, clutching my blanket tightly, the universe couldn't even grant me my favorite show. Instead, I was stuck with boring shows like The Good Doctor. I couldn't even understand a word they were saying.

Suddenly, a craving for something sweet hit me. Luckily, my period didn't affect my sweet tooth. Unfortunately, there was nothing sweet in the house, and I just felt like hugging someone. I felt so lonely in that moment.


The doorbell suddenly rang, causing me to groan in frustration. I slowly got up, feeling the pain reduce a little as I made my way to the door.

Carefully, I opened the door, preparing to say that we didn't want to buy anything, thinking it was those people who usually ask for weird things. But I froze when I saw who it was. "Jackson?"

Was I imagining him? No, it couldn't be the period playing tricks on me. I don't imagine people...

"Hey," his deep voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I stared at him, blinking my eyes multiple times, which made him chuckle. I realized it wasn't an illusion.

He's really here.

"Hey," I tried to smile back, but the pain suddenly surged. "Fucking period," I cursed, feeling so embarrassed right now. Why did the universe hate me so much?

"Mia, be careful," he said, his hands gently touching my shoulders. It wasn't anything extraordinary, but looking into his warm, concerned eyes made it special to me.

"Let's go inside, okay?" he suggested, and I nodded. He slowly supported me and carried a package in his other hand, which I only noticed now.

He gently placed me on the sofa and went to close the door before coming back. "Why are you here? You're supposed to be in school," I had to ask, even though I was happy to see him. I glanced down and noticed he wasn't wearing his school uniform, which meant he hadn't gone to school.

Falling For Jackson Again ✓Where stories live. Discover now