•T H I R T E E N•

Start from the beginning

The sound of Oliver retching fetches me out of my thoughts and I watch him pass the bottle to Felix before staggering off to the side.

All the dots are connecting.

I can't sit here and watch anymore.

"Don't bloody drink that." I say sternly, emerging from the shadows as I quickly move over to Felix, slapping the bottle out of his hand before he can protest. I walk over to Oliver, turning him around and punching him in the nose. He backs up with a groan, clutching his face with his eyes screwed shut.

"Felix, you have to listen to me. I promise you, Oliver is fucking insane. This whole time, he has been perving on you. He choked me and he framed Farleigh and I dont know what to say but he needs to leave right now, before I kill him!" My rant slowly gets louder, and the confusion is etched across Felix's face.

"She's lying, she's a liar!" I hear Oliver call out, stumbling towards Felix who backs away.

He looks between me and Oliver, and I'm almost hurt that he's genuinely strung on who to believe right now.

"Felix, when have I ever lied to you?" I say seriously, my eyes widening in betrayal.

"This is... alot." He mutters vaguely.

"She's crazy! Batshit insane! She fuckin' threatened me. She has some insane crush on you, Felix. All I've ever wanted to do was protect you. All she wants is you to herself. Obsessed, that's what she is."

Its all so hypocritical, and I feel the anger flowing put my mouth before o can stop it.

"You know what, your right. I love Felix. I've loved him since forever, and there isn't one person in this world I'd rather be with. Everything I have done is for him, good and bad. And that includes you, Oliver. I knew you were bad news the day I saw you, but I layed my head down because I knew it made Felix happy. But what I've witnessed... the things I've seen. God, where do I start?"

I start laughing, but tears are starting to pour down my face. I can't even fathom what I'm feeling right now.

"Maybe I'll tell him about you in the bathtub, drinking his bath water like a fucking maniac!" I yell, and the look on Felix's face tells me he's about to he sick.

"Or the fact you said you were going to kill me because I had caught you in the act? You are so... so pathetic, Oliver Quick. And you just can't get your head around the fact that Felix will always choose me. Because I'm his best friend, and despite everything I feel for him I will always be the one he can come to. Not you, me."

It's coming out my mouth like a ball of thread, spinning and spinning until I have nothing left to say at all.

Oliver's eyes darken, and he can tell he hasn't won. He knows he's defeated. But that might not be the case, it's all up to Felix.

I wobble in my heels, trying to move over to Felix who helps me straight by holding my arms.

"I have loved you for years, Felix. And I'm so sorry I haven't ever told you, but our friendship meant too much to me. I couldn't risk us. Your too special to me, the idea of losing you was out of the question. I love you so much, Felix. I really do."

His gaze softens as he looks down at me, but I remember someone is still here. I turn around, trying my best to walk straight as I grab Oliver by the collar.

"If you ever come here again, I will kill you. Literally... kill you." I whisper, shoving him back. He stumbles, head hanging in shame as he runs out of the maze.

I look over to Felix and I sigh, walking over to him with shaky legs and he does the same. I hug him so hard I'm afraid he might break in my grip, and his arms fit around my waist so easily. As if they were meant to be there.

Cologne and citrus. That was his smell.

"I love you, cecilia." I hear him say. He says it so quietly, I almost miss it. But they are the strongest words he's ever spoken, and I kiss his temple softly.

"I love you too."

I pull away slightly, looking up at him.

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you anyth-"

"It's not you fault. I know you only did it to protect me. But you should know, I would have chosen you over him without hesitation."

His words make me smile, and despite all that is happened, I finally feel at peace.

"Ci, if I asked you something, you wouldn't freak out?"

"After this week, I don't think anything can phase me." I say and he laughs softly. He flicks his gaze between my eyes and my lips, and I get the memo. He doesn't have to even ask before my lips are crashing onto his.

He's gentle, hands squeezing my waist as our lips move in perfect sync. Butterflies evade my stomach and I can feel my neck getting hot, but for once I don't care. All that matters is the boy who's now pressed up against me. The boy who I have loved my whole life, is kissing me in the maze.

I pull away slowly, and he rests his forehead against mine.

"I'll protect you until the very end, you know that?" I say, and he nods the best he can with our heads pressed together.

"That should be my job, it shouldn't be yours."

"Sometimes things are better when you have someone to love. Someone you can trust, who you know will protect you. Who'd be by your side no matter what. I'd like to be that person for you, Felix."

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