Ron laughed. "Legendary, eh? We'll hold you to that, Alexia."

As they approached the library, the banter continued, each teasing remark adding to the lighthearted atmosphere. Little did Harry and Ron know that Alexia's real feelings for Hermione were at the heart of her carefully orchestrated timing. 


The Great Hall buzzed with anticipation as Dumbledore spoke excitedly about the upcoming arrival of students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. The quartet of friends, seated at the Gryffindor table, exchanged curious glances and speculations about the magical schools.

Hermione, always eager for knowledge, leaned in to share her thoughts. "I've read a bit about Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. Beauxbatons is known for its emphasis on refinement and elegance, while Durmstrang focuses on strength and martial magic. It'll be fascinating to see how different their magical education is compared to Hogwarts."

Harry, though less enthusiastic about magical theories, couldn't help but join the conversation. "Do you think they'll have good Quidditch teams? Maybe we'll get to see some international-level players!"

Ron, ever the Quidditch enthusiast, nodded in agreement. "That'd be brilliant! It's about time we had some real competition. Not that our Chaser here isn't amazing," he added, glancing at Alexia with a teasing grin.

Alexia rolled her eyes, used to Ron's banter about her Quidditch skills. "I'm not worried about the competition; I'm looking forward to meeting new people. It's not always when Hogwarts hosts events like these."

As the friends continued discussing the potential changes and challenges the arrival of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students might bring, the doors to the Great Hall swung open, revealing the arrival of the foreign delegations. The atmosphere in the hall shifted, and the quartet watched eagerly as the newcomers entered, bringing an air of excitement and mystery to Hogwarts.

The doors swung open once again to reveal the incoming Durmstrang students, Ron and Alexia both gasped in surprise. Their eyes widened, and their expressions shifted to a mixture of shock and excitement. Walking confidently among the Durmstrang students was none other than Viktor Krum, the renowned Quidditch Seeker.

"Is that... is that Viktor Krum?" Ron exclaimed, his jaw-dropping slightly as he nudged Alexia.Alexia, equally surprised, nodded enthusiastically. "Merlin's beard! It is him! I can't believe he's here."

Hermione, seated between them, couldn't help but roll her eyes at their star-struck reactions. "Honestly, you two. It's just a Quidditch player."

"But it's Viktor Krum!" Ron protested, still staring in awe.

Alexia chuckled, "Come on, Hermione. Even you have to admit he's one of the best Seekers out there."

Hermione shook her head, a playful smirk forming on her lips. "Well, I suppose we'll see if he's as good in the Triwizard Tournament."

As the Durmstrang students settled into their places, whispers and murmurs filled the Great Hall. Hogwarts students exchanged glances and excited conversations about the upcoming tournament. The atmosphere buzzed with anticipation, and even Hermione couldn't hide a small spark of curiosity about what the year held for them.

Dumbledore continued with the introductions, announcing the arrival of the Beauxbatons Academy headmistress, Madame Olympe Maxime, and the Durmstrang Institute headmaster, Professor Igor Karkaroff. The student's attention shifted between the dignified Madame Maxime and the stern-faced Professor Karkaroff as they took their places at the staff table.

whispers (h.g x fem oc) book 2Where stories live. Discover now