From Ballerinas To showgirls

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Christina POV.

|Here we are in Las Vegas, Nevada

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|Here we are in Las Vegas, Nevada. We're here to attend that Thunderstruck competition. Vegas is really important, because we only have two more competitions before Nationals in Tahoe.|Abby Lee Miller|Dance Coach

The girls and I walked into the dance studio with our mom's behind us.

"Welcome to Las Vegas!" Ms. Abby greeted us with a smile.

The girls and I stood in a line with our dance bags in front of us.

"I want to reflect on Starpower last week. Some of you did really well, however, as a whole, not so great. I brought Brandon and David in, Christina and David had chemistry but Brooke, you and Brandon didn't and the dance was a complete mess. The competition in Las Vegas this week is Thunderstruck, and we have four days to prepare. As a group, this particular group has never not placed in the overall high scores. So you need to be flawless this week." Ms. Abby said.

Ms Abby revealed Vivi-Anne 's picture with a big red X across her picture.

"Vivi-Anne. Not here. Her mother made it quite clear she was not traveling to Las Vegas, so you know what? This poor little girl is going to suffer. Her mother didn't follow the rules. Let this be a lesson to all of you, and to all of your mothers. If you don't follow the rules and you don't give me 100%, I will yank your number from the competition." Ms. Abby said.

|She's the one that quit, she's the one that bailed, she's the one that ran back to Ohio. You know, we've been on the road, there's bonds that have been made, these people have worked under great pressure, and it's that old adage: I can talk about my moms, but don't anybody else talk about them.|Abby Lee Miller|Dance Coach

"Next up.... Mackenzie." Ms. Abby said, revealing Mackenzie's picture.

"Honey, I'm sorry you lost your duet partner. However, I want you to practice on all of your jumps and all of your tricks, because next week you will definitely be competing." Ms. Abby tells her.

|I don't care if I'm not dancing. I just want to hang out at the pool.|Mackenzie Ziegler|Melissa's daughter

Ms. Abby reveals Chloe headshot picture.

"Chloe. You didn't dance last week so there wasn't much to judge you on. Paige. Your performance is good, but you're not winning and you're not placing in the overalls. And I feel that you should be placing definitely in the top ten. This is your city. You have the long legs, you have the look, yes?" Ms. Abby said, making Paige nod.

"Because of that, Paige.... you're getting a solo. Understood?" Ms. Abby asked.

Paige nodded.

"Second row...Nia. Last week in Orlando, you finally won your category. You have Christina to thank for that because she helped you run your solo. I think you need to win all the time. So, I hope your mother now trusts me and doesn't question my every move. I've had it with that. It's what you do on stage that matters. Not the Choreography, not the costuming. It's you and your technique that is going to win first place. It felt good to win, didn't it?" Ms. Abby asked.

Christina lukasiak(Dance moms)Where stories live. Discover now