4 | Testosterone in the Classroom Should be Banned

Start from the beginning

Young Bin furrowed his eyebrows, but he didn't say anything. Bum Seok looked between the two before shaking his head. ''It's okay, really.''

She didn't believe him, not at all. But if he didn't want to be helped, she couldn't force her help upon him. ''Alright. Good luck on the exam to you.'' She took a sip from her can and left, hearing the boys' conversation pick up again, though this time in hushes.

The RedBull was barely keeping her awake. What actually pushed her to keep her eyes wide and alert was the fact she'd been placed to sit right in front of Soo Ho for the exam. She felt like his eyes were boring in her back, but he hadn't said anything, so she didn't turn to talk to him either.

''You know Korean exams can take quite some time, right?'' the teacher said as she handed the exam booklets to the first rolls. A chorus of agreement rang through the room. ''Distribute your time well.''

The girl in front of Y/n handed her the stack over her head and Y/n took it, taking a booklet before raising the exams over her head. As Soo Ho reached out, she felt his fingers brush against hers, causing her to freeze. ''Thanks, cutie,'' he whispered, causing her to scoff and lean back towards her desk.

Y/n opened the booklet and looked down at the numerous questions she had to go through. Her pen was in her hand, already clicked open, and she let out a sigh. She leaned on her arm as she started reading the first question, blinking her eyes a few times to make them stop burning.

''Hey, what are you doing?'' Y/n looked up as the teacher spoke, then looked back. Si Eun was facing Bum Seok. ''Turn around.''

Y/n looked back down at her exam, reading the question again. Okay, I think I know that one. She marked her answer on the sheet, then moved on to the next one.

A chair scraped on the ground and Y/n, as well as the rest of the class, looked back to see Si Eun storm out of the room. ''Hey, where are you going?'' the teacher asked her, though Si Eun paid her no mind. Y/n's eyes fell on Young Bin who was quietly laughing. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked back at her exam.

She marked some answers she was sure of, some she guessed. The clock ticked away as the silence of the room was suddenly penetrated by a loud slap, causing Y/n to jump.

''What was that?''

Y/n looked back, making eye contact with Soo Ho for a brief second before her eyes fell on Si Eun who slapped himself again, and again, and again. Soo Ho, as well as the rest of the class, turned to look at Si Eun, whose cheek was becoming red.

''What are you doing? What's wrong?'' the teacher asked from the front.

Si Eun didn't speak. Instead he kept slapping his cheek, each time sounding harder than the last.

''What's the matter?'' asked the teacher again.

Si Eun stopped and looked ahead. ''Nothing.'' He leaned back over his test and continued writing as if nothing had happened.

Soo Ho turned back around, his eyebrows furrowed. He and Y/n made eye contact again, though she couldn't bring herself to feel flustered, not after Si Eun's odd behavior.

''Two. Five. Next, social studies.''

She was barely keeping up with the answers being recited, quickly switching over to social studies. From the other exams they'd checked, Y/n was surprised to see she'd got a lot of them right despite only properly studying the night before.

''One. One. Five. Four.''

Right. Wrong. Right. Right. Y/n wanted nothing more than to deflate over her desk and sleep at the moment. Her eyes trailed over to Soo Ho for a moment, who was lying on his pink pillow, snoozing away, looking all warm in his jacket.

''Five. Five. Four. Two. Five. Four. Three. One.''

Wrong. Right. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Right. Right. Three wrongs in a roll wasn't good. Y/n vowed to herself she would actually start studying earlier before the real exams.

A slam on the table shook the classroom. Once again, everyone turned to look at Si Eun, even Soo Ho. Silence fell across the room as everyone watched Si Eun look at Bum Seok.

Bum Seok tried to look away, but ultimately spoke. ''Si Eun. It's not what you think.''

Si Eun suddenly stood up, pen still in hand as he walked down the rolls and straight towards Yeong Bin. As Si Eun passed her desk, he grabbed a thick study guide she'd left on her table slammed it straight into Young Bin's head. Y/n's mouth dropped as she watched him then stab his pen into Tae Hoon's hand.

He went back to Young Bin then, still using Y/n's book hit him over and over again. Si Eun then wrapped Young Bin's head in the curtains and continued hitting him. Y/n stood up and moved to get a better look, noticing blood starting to seep through the cloth.

''Si Eun!'' Y/n called, though it was pointless. Si Eun was gone, consumed by rage. What the fuck did Young Bin make Bum Seok do?

Neither Y/n or anyone else in the classroom moved to stop him. Eventually, Si Eun stopped and Young Bin dropped to the ground; his face was bloody, so Y/n quickly looked away, watching as Si Eun threw her study guide against the wall. If she wasn't that shocked, she would've smacked the boy.

Si Eun moved to stand above Young Bin, looking down at him. ''I asked you. I asked you to stop.''

Y/n took a step forward, almost putting her hand up as she noticed Si Eun raise his foot to step on Young Bin's face — Soo Ho was faster, though. He grabbed Si Eun's shoulder and pushed him back, sending him flying through the roll of desks. Y/n quickly moved to the side so he wouldn't knock her down.

''Enough.'' Soo Ho said as he stood leisurely, his hands in his pants' pockets. ''Don't cross the line.''

I think he's crossed the whole border by now.

Si Eun stood up. ''Who do you think you are?''

''Me?'' Soo Ho pointed at himself. ''A guardian angel who just woke up from a nap.'' He picked up a paper airplane from an abandoned desk and threw it, though it didn't make it far. He laughed; Y/n couldn't help but watch him.

''You think this is funny?'' Si Eun asked.

Soo Ho scratched the skin above his lip. ''It's supposed to be funny.''

Si Eun grabbed a pencil case and threw it at Soo Ho, who put his hands up and caught some of the stationary. Y/n's eyes moved to Si Eun; he was now moving to grab a chair to attack Soo Ho again, whose eyes were still closed. As if on instinct, Y/n kicked the back of Si Eun's knee and then tripped him over, making him land on his front, the chair dropping to its side next to him.

''Si Eun,'' Y/n spoke as she stood above the boy, who breathed heavily as his face faced the ground. ''Get it together.''

''Listen to her, you lunatic.'' Soo Ho had recovered from the surprise attack. ''I could punch you for real.''

There was a brief moment of silence before Si Eun got up in lightning speed and picking up the chair again, lunging at Soo Ho — in return, Soo Ho brought his hands close to his face and punched him exactly once, sending Si Eun crashing in the lockers behind him, the chair toppling to the ground.

Y/n's brows furrowed at his technique.

''I told you to stop,'' Soo Ho said.

''Who are you to order me around?'' Si Eun asked, his breathing still abnormal.

The tension was high. Si Eun went to grab another chair to attack Soo Ho with. As he was about to pick it up, a voice shouted from the back. ''What's going on here?''

Y/n's head snapped back. Their homeroom teacher stood there with a hand on her hip, looking straight at Si Eun. Y/n looked at Soo Ho for a moment before she took a few minimal steps back, just enough so it wouldn't look like she was part of the boys' quarrel.

Soo Ho looked at the teacher, then he looked at Y/n as she backed away, then to Si Eun. ''Put that away!'' He yelled at Si Eun, hands on his hips as well. ''What do you think you're doing? Damn it.'' He looked back at the teacher. ''Ma'am, I was only trying to stop my classmates from fighting. I was almost in danger because of this chair. I'm so sorry.'' Soo Ho bowed down and looked at Si Eun again. ''Apologize to her.''

Si Eun seemed to only be able to watch in disbelief.

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