10 - Coeur and Blood (Part 5)

Start from the beginning

"Gloire, Honneur!"

As he finished cutting someone down, he felt a rising amount of mana from nearby. Not plenty enough to threaten him, but sufficiently to demolish the entire vicinity of the destroyed academy upon being released. There are still survivors.

A warp in energy came into sight, black-colored, and excluding severe malicious aura, from Lucien's magic circle. The power is not held back by Lucien at all, its forceful gravity circulation lured even the corpses of his army and was absorbed by the spell to gain size.

Lucien laughs with ease now that his spell is completed. Put an end to him? That's what the audacious fellows's fate will be!

"You should have stayed out our way and left! Now meet your demise!" A mad look came to his face as he grinned widely, expecting the vampiric warped energy to consume him. The distortion is vigorous enough so not even he can evade this.

The warping spell was sent onwards, the shockwave elicited repelled dirt and stone everywhere. It flew as fast as a jet plane and was anticipated to devour anything like a black hole.

Blue particles surrounded the yin sword just as it vanished. In its place, a Japanese nodachi, almost mundane, manifested. He simply held it in his hand.

The writhing ball of energy came closer, and just as it was to swallow, the long blade slashed downward.

A mere, light, soft cut.

Three lines of light were embedded in the vortex.

A set of small explosives followed soon after in the distance.

Lucien's eyes dilated, his mind in turmoil at what occurred. What was a simple, mundane, mere blade had done an impossibility. The strike was a blur in motion to the vampires' keen eyes, but the technique was quicker than they could perceive.

The long sword dissipated in blue lights and the other twin of the short sword appeared in its place again. He turned to the side and launched himself at still Lucien, throwing him off balance with a swift jab from the sword hilts. With a flick of his wrist, Bakuya swept horizontally, slicing his entire arm off. A few seconds passed by before silence fell on the area.

Lucien looked at it, his eyes wide and in pain. He clutched his bleeding arm tightly. A swift kick slammed into his ribs.

Lucien crashed into a nearby building, creating a large hole in the wall. He coughed up blood and tried to stand up, but the man was already on him. He grabbed Lucien by the collar and lifted him, slamming him into the ground repeatedly.

"W–who even a–are you?" Lucien spat out, feeling his bones breaking under the assault. "What do you want from me?"

The man did not answer. He just kept pounding Lucien, his eyes seemingly cold. Almost seemed to have a personal grudge against Lucien, but Lucien had no idea who he was or why he seemingly detested him so much.

Jules watched the scene in horror, unable to move or intervene. He felt a surge of apprehensiveness and vexation, but also a hint of curiosity. Who was this man who could outmatch Lucien, the leader of the vampires, in strength, speed, and power? He noticed that the man's swords were glowing with a strange light as if they were alive. He also caught a glimpse of the strange mark the man had on his left hand, an odd red symbol.

The man stopped his attack and threw the blooded Lucien to the side, like a ragdoll. He held his swords and pointed one of them at Lucien, who was lying on the ground, barely conscious.

"You've killed enough people. You've caused enough pain. It's time to pay for your sins." The man said, his voice cold and stern.

Lucien looked up at him, his eyes filled with defiance and malice. He laughed weakly, blood dripping from his mouth. The sharp pain from his lost limb made his mind in agitation.

"You–you t–think you can kill me? To judge my life? You don’t know anything about me. They will come. The Zegrath's vengeance will be thorough. And they will slaughter you. You’re nothing." The blood he coughed out expanded.

The man frowned and thought about his words, his eyebrows furrowing before his expression hardened.

"I know enough for a monster like you who used your power to oppress and exploit the weak and turned humans into your slaves and food. A typical trait for a vampire. Unsurprising. But I would've placed you on one of the ruthless of my list."

He raised his sword, ready to strike.

Lucien sneered, showing his fangs.

"Imbecile human! End me and you shall face the wrath of Zegrath! After all, they're on their way here in retribution for what your kind did to their prince—!"



Blood sprayed like a fountain.

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