10 - Coeur and Blood (Part 5)

Start from the beginning

Blood splattered all over the stranger, and he let go of his wing. But he suddenly turned his head and narrowly evaded a small beam of dark energy.

The stranger jumped backward, avoiding a few more, and threw one of his blades at him. But before it could make contact, a bright beam of red light engulfed it and him, knocking him back several steps. When he stopped and turned to see where the attack came from, he found magic circles on each hand of Lucien's army followers.

Lucien slowly climbed back to his feet and stood, staring at him intently, and sneering.

"You have guts... to actually bring me down to dirt. Unfortunately, I'm not about to lose to some lowly mortal like you. Very well, since you dared to provoke me, let us fight it out right here and now!"

Lucien stated, his voice filled with contempt. "You won't last long fighting me alone anyway. I'd say that this battle is already won." His thrown staff flew to his hand, and he harshly struck the ground with it.

Just then, a magic circle emerged from the ground beneath the vampire, glowing faintly, and rapidly gathering mana. Lucien barked an order to his men to deal with the red man, and chanted, "Let the fangs of the beast tear, and the roar of the storm shake!"

The circle started to spin and burn, and the area was filled with dark energy. His lesser vampires flew to his enemy, their claws poised to strike.

The red individual prepared his Yin-Yang blades, his grip tightened on each hilt. His eyes momentarily glance at them silently. There are about two hundred and above heading his way.

He sprinted forward, and before the first few vampires could act, Kanshou swept sideways, cutting their arteries. Bakuya veered around and stabbed one, just as he used his other blade to slice another vampire. He slashed three of them away from him before turning to swipe the next one in half, sending him crashing to the floor. He kicked off the ground, and flashed past a few more, eliminating them instantly.

As he moved, he swung his weapons like a blur, cutting through the air, piercing through flesh and skin alike, and leaving bloody trails wherever he cut down. That's forty or so.

Blood sprayed everywhere, coating his blades, and staining his clothes and his hair. Each slash he made was precise, calculated, and powerful. It seemed like his speed and strength were unparalleled, and he fought with unmatched grace. Even though the odds weren't stacked in his favor, Lucien knew he was going to win.

Lucien smirked. It looks like he underestimated this person after all.

One of the vampires charged at him, attempting to stab him. Suddenly, Kanshou intercepted it, twisting it around, rendering his arm useless. Bakuya followed suit, slicing it in half. He quickly approached him, slashing his left arm with the blade. He then used both blades to rip another vampire's throat clean off, killing him.

He didn't stop as he flipped to evade the ground beneath him converted to spikes from an earth-style spell, throwing his white blade at the caster, tearing his spine when it emerged from his back. Bakuya flew, and like a boomerang, it came back spinning lodging another victim in his back before Kanshou beheaded him. Red blood sprays like a fountain from the headless neck, staining the surroundings and adding to the sea of gore.

Lucien grimaces, watching the carnage in slow alarm.

"The will of the people shall be denied and the folly of the reason!"

Blood sprayed all around as the vampires he cut down fell lifelessly to the ground. One of the fallen vampires stood up again with a fierce snarl, swinging an energy-construct blade in his hand to hit him. However, Kanshou sliced through his arm and chest effortlessly and left him in disarray, stumbling back and clutching his bleeding wound. A wave of crimson blood spilled onto the ground. Bakuya appeared in front of him and thrust downward with a swing.

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