Death do us apart

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"Maa.. Wake up.. Maa... Let you get to bed first.. Maa... How can you sleep on the floor like this.." Prithvi was unable to think that something could actually happen to his mother.

"Putra... Prativindhya.. Control yourself dear... Your Maa is no more. Adrika left us." Droupadi said holding Prithvi's hand. He immediately jerked it off and held Adrika's both bloody palms in his iron grip.

"No.. No.. No.. No...Maa... Maa.. Maa wake up.. Maa.. You promised Maa. You promised nothing will happen to any of us. You promised Maa we will go back to the Island. You Promised me Maa... Maa wake up.. Maasi do something... Maasi please... Maasi! do something, Maa isn't waking up Maasi please... Please wake her up Maasi... Subhadra Maasi please wake my Maa up.. Maasi please.. Subhadra... Subhadra maasi... Massi why aren't you doing anything.. Subhadra Massi please wake her up.."

         Above everyone's loud screams of crying.. It was Prithvi's which was clear. It was clear that he had lost faith in everything to save his mother but his Subhadra Maasi. It was first when Prativindhya asked for subhadra by Maasi. Just as Aadi and Vriti. He was now one of them. He lost all patience to pretend he didn't want to leave his identity. Now Adrika herself gave her permission. Finally he was one of Adhrith and Vritika. He was one of Adrika's. Finally he left his identity as Droupadeya and became Adrikeya.
        Subhadra was sitting numb. Her hand stopped at her sister's blood stained hair. She knew her jiji was no more. She came out of her trance once she heard Prativindhya called her Maasi instead of chhoti Maa. She knew the only person Prativindhya would hear from was her.

"Prativindhya... Shant ho jao..." She said in a heavy voice unusual of her. Prativindhya broke down on her lap right beside Adrika.

"Devar ji... We should take jiji inside. It's almost sunrise." She said to an equally stunned Nakul. He looked up to his Bhavi's face tear strained and rigid.

         They took her inside cleaned and lay on the bed as if she was just asleep. A beautiful smile on her face as if she was taunting the death. Everyone was around the room sitting in different positions. Uttara was sitting nearby Adrika's head still stroking her hair. Prithvi was sitting holding her right hand while Aadi was sitting holding her left with Abhimanyu near her feet with all his other brothers and Sahadev. Subhadra was sitting on a sitter holding a crying Vritika in her arms. With Droupadi holding the girl from the other side. Nakul was sitting near Subhadra's feet holding her left hand.  Vasudev Krishn and Arjun were standing near the door helping the healers and warriors going in and out meeting her. The wolf pack just returned with Aeser from run. The alpha and beta of the pack came running in.

"My queen.." Aeser gasped before sitting down at her feet. Noah could not understand what he should do he walked in small steps towards Aadi and held him from behind. Aadi didn't budge but he closed his eyes and let the tears flow.

"Alpha ... You should know.. Shain was hurt during the attack. She is being treated as we speak." Legolas said.

"I'll be back...." Aeser said to no one in perticular and left.

"Bhratasree... What should we do next? My Jiji will not be cremated on the battle ground.. All her life she had been a servant in her in-laws house. But she will get the death of a queen. So.. where should we take her?" Subhadra looking blankly at Adrika's body.

"It should be decided by the Prince consort.. If only he permits, we want to take her to the Island. Our people have the right to mourn and give their last respect to our queen." Helisha said. She was sitting in a corner crying her eyes out.

"But she is the daughter in law of Indraprastha lady helisha. Don't the people of the city need closer too." Droupadi said. Subhadra looked up to her before turning her head to Adrika's body once again.

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