Chapter 13: Back at base

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*Back at base*

"Hello? Smokescreen, do you read?" Ratchet repeated.

"Optimus, we have a distress signal from Smokescreen. He and the two children could be in trouble," the medic informed Optimus Prime.

"I see. Ratchet, open a groundbridge to Smokescreen's location, and prepare med bay if needed. Arcee, Ultra Magnus, with me. Smokescreen may need an assist," Optimus instructed the two soldiers.

"Something better not have happened to Miko, or I'm gonna deal with the rookie fist to face," Bulkhead exclaimed angrily.

"Bulkhead, rest assured Smokescreen would not let anything happen to her, or Mia. I believe he has understood the need to protect humanity even more now."

Bulkhead relaxed a little, nodding his head.

The groundbridge portal opened as the trio walked towards it.

"Optimus, please exercise caution. The forest may be too dense to reach base via your comm links," Ratchet warned Prime. Optimus took note of that as they crossed the ground bridge.

As they stepped out if it, they noticed Smokescreen recovering from the blast. Arcee went over to help him get up.

"Ugh, what happened?" Smokescreen groaned as he rubbed his head.

"That's what we would like to know, rookie. And where is Miko and Mia?"

"What happened here soldier?" Magnus walked over to them and helped Smokescreen stand up.

"Smokescreen seemed to have gotten attacked, and the two girls don't appear to be anywhere. What happened to them Smokescreen?" Arcee continued asking him.

"Arcee, it is best that you do not force him to speak now. We will need him to get checked out by Rachet. Smokescreen will provide all the explanations later," Optimus told Arcee.

But as they stepped in the groundbridge back to base, Arcee looked back, worried about the two human girls.

"Bulkhead's not gonna be happy about this," she muttered.

Transformers Prime: So Close, yet so far (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now