Chapter 12: 2 Drama, 1 day

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"And that's how I got this burn mark. I've had a fear of fire ever since that incident. It was the most terrifying thing I had ever experienced," I finish.

"If I was there, I would've punched that bitch's face! How in the world does he not have the heart to leave a 10 year old child alone to die!?" Miko exclaimed angrily.

"But the thing I'm really curious about is what was the thing that shot the tent you were in?" Smokescreen says.

"I wonder that too. When I was younger, I never believed in aliens. I always thought it was stupid when kids dressed up like aliens on Halloween, but-"

"Halloween?" Smokescreen cut me off.

"A holiday where you dress up in costumes? Go to different houses collecting candy? Really spooky and all," Miko explained. Smokescreen nodded his head. But from the look in his eyes, I could tell that he didn't understand it completely.

"But, now that I know the existence of aliens, which is quite weird and all the aliens being you, that the figure outside may be a decepticon. Now that I think about it, I had my bracelet on that day. I mean, I wore it every single day since the day I got murdered, I think," I say

"What do you mean 'you think'?" Miko asks.

"I don't actually quite remember what happened that day. Until a flashback I had a few days ago. At first, I thought it was a lie that my parents were murdered, but after that flashback, I could confirmed that they were and that they were the ones who gave me this bracelet."

"So did you experience any more strange decepticon sightings?" Smokescreen asked.

I tried to remember if I had. To be honest, I don't really remember much of my childhood. Mostly, I remember all the traumatic incidents.

"I don't know. I don't really remember much of my childhood which was mostly filled with traumatic stuff."


"Um, dude? Didn't you forget what we even came for? We were supposed to find out what that strange signal is or whatever. Anyways, you can chit chat about this later. Or never. Ooh, look at that interesting looking tree!" Miko sidetracked. I smiled at her, grateful for changing the topic. Smokescreen is a great guardian, but sometimes it's annoying how he always interferes with my personal life.

We continued walking around the area, searching for what caused that strange signal. We didn't know how long it had been, but we knew we weren't anywhere near it.

"Ugh, we've been here for hours. Let's just call base and go back," Miko complained.

"I agree with you. Smokescreen, can you call Ratchet and ask him to send a groundbridge? There's nothing here," I asked. My guardian nodded.  But just before Smokescreen could press his comm link, I heard a scream. Before I could see what happened, another scream was heard. To my horror, it was me.

A sudden weight grabbed me out of nowhere and before I knew it, I was hoisted up into the air. It was all happening too fast.

When everything was slower for me to see, I noticed that I was being carried by a robot. A decepticon. On the other hand, I saw Miko struggling to get free. She was trying to pull herself out. It seemed as if the con was running.

I looked behind me to see who it was, and to my horror, it was the same con who stole two of th charms. I think his name is Tarn.

"Let us go you big hunk of metal!" Miko yelled, using her first to smash against his hand. Suddenly, everything went in slow-motion. 

Tarn stopped at a halt as there was a river in front of us.

He jumped to cross the river.

Miko was screaming.

Suddenly, we were falling.

Falling into the deep river below.

I screamed.

We hit the river with a splash.

I tried to swim back up, but was pushed down by Tarn, who also fell into the river.

I looked to my right to see Miko trying to swim back up, but was pushed down by Tarn.

We hit the bottom, with Tarn unconscious. Miko moved out of the way in time. Unfortunately for me, I couldn't. My legs were stuck underneath Tarn's large body. I was trying to push myself out. Miko noticed me struggling and swam over to help me.

I didn't have time to take in a deep breath before we fell in, so my breaths were running out fast.

My lungs were burning in the depth of the water. I couldn't hold it in anymore. Miko was right next to me, trying to pull my legs out.

Her face blurred, as my vision was getting darker.

My struggling soon came to an end as I blacked out.

*Smokescreen POV*

I dropped my blasters in a rush as I realized a grave mistake I had made. I didn't intend for the two girls to fall as well.

I assured myself that they were fine and they will just pop out of the water unharmed, but that was too much to hope.

I waited for about 2 cycles, but both of them never came up. I was really anxious on what to do. I wasn't used to this whole 'saving-humans' type of thing.

Suddenly, I saw two figures emerge out of the water. It was Miko and Mia!
Miko gasped hard as she held onto a rock to stabilize herself.

"Dude! Why didn't you come to rescue us? You know how much trouble I had rescuing Mia? And you're supposed to be her guardian!" She yelled at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "And where's Mia?" I soon got my answer because Miko pulled someone up. It was Mia! But she was unconscious!

"Wait what happened?" I exclaimed.

"You literally don't know!? Humans, like us, need to breathe oxygen to survive! Down there, no oxygen, which means no breathe! Just help us get out of here and ask for a bridge back to base!" She continued yelling at me. I went closer to the water and helped both of them get out. I lifted Mia in my hand and tried to contact Ratchet.

"Ratchet? Can you hear me? Scrap, no signal," I cursed, looking at Miko.

"Why are you staring at me!? Go back the way we came! We are too deep into the forest, so maybe we can get a signal if we go back! I swear, you really need to stop being a rookie!"

I got the hint and started running, with Miko catching up behind me.

"Hello! It would be easier if you just transformed into a car and drove out of here!" Miko shouted behind me.

"Oh right," I muttered as I transformed and opened the door for Miko to get in. She got into the back seat, where Mia's unconscious body was lying limp.

"Is she awake yet?"

"Instead of worrying about that, how about you worry about the path ahead!"

I continued driving. I kept trying to reach Ratchet.

"Ratchet, we need a groundbri-" before I could finish my sentence, I felt a large impact which caused me to transform in surprise. I caught Miko and Mia who were flying out. Mia still didn't wake up.

I looked behind me, but just as I did, I was suddenly shot by something and fell to the ground in pain, dropping Mia and Miko in the process. 

A hand caught both girls and took them away from my sight.


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