Chapter 8: Older Bakugou Katsuki POV(Katsuma)

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Yagi and Tsukauchi rode with Katsuma, Mikumo, Katsuki and Izuku back to their neighborhood. Nedzu stayed behind to do Nedzu-things, which Katsuma assumed boiled down to hacking the government. He sure as shit hadn't mentioned anything about Katsuma and Mikumo altering the registry themselves.

Katsuma and Mikumo. The new names would take some getting used to, but Katsuma liked them. Besides, it was only fair. They were the interlopers-technically-so they should be the ones to change their names.

They had sorted out a training plan with Yagi for him to prepare Izuku to receive One for All when Katsuki and Izuku were still outside of Nedzu's office. Everyone in there had agreed that Yagi needed to bring it up to the boys himself, but he hadn't done that yet.

Even though riding the train in silence was getting awkward.

Luckily, though, Kastuma wasn't some fuckin' chump, so he didn't mind a bit a bit of awkwardness. Unluckily, this meant that all six of them made it to their stop in total silence.

"House is this way," Katsuma grunted, taking point to guide the group towards his old house. They would visit it first, since it was closer. Yagi and Tsukauchi wouldn't know where it was, so he was being considerate.

"Ah, I'm nervous," Mikumo said. "How are we going to explain this to your parents, Kacchan?"

"We'll tell them the truth, obviously. We have Detective Lie Detector with us-it shouldn't be that fuckin' hard to make them take us seriously," Katsuma pointed out.

"Still... Maybe we should let the kids go in first? That way they could explain some of it... or at least make it so that they can tell we're really from the future!"

"You worry too much. It'll be fine."

"I'm sure Bakugou-kun is correct, Midoriya-kun. You shouldn't stress about it," Yagi said, consolingly. Something quietly devastated passed over Mikumo's face when Yagi called him Midoriya-kun. Probably because it wasn't any of the fond monikers Yagi usually used to refer to him.

That wasn't something Katsuma could fix.

Not a problem for right now, anyway. They reached the right street.

"It's this house, here. The beige one," Katsuma pointed out.

"Here goes nothing," Mikumo muttered.

"Whatever! We'll go in first, and then the detective and the skeleton. You two have to stay outside so the hag doesn't freak!" Katsuki demanded. Little shit. Unfortunately, he was right.

"Sounds great, Katsuki!" Mikumo cheered. Katsuki sneered at him. Asshole. He turned around and approached the house.

He threw the door open violently, storming inside.

"Oi! I'm home!" he hollered.

"BAKUGOU KATSUKI, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" the hag shouted back.

"It's not my fault I'm home late!" Katsuki protested.

"Like hell it isn't! I expected you home two hours ago! Where the fuck have you been?"

"If you'll let me explain-"

"I called Inko, asking if you were over there, and she said Izuku-kun isn't home either, and all he would say was that he was with you, and you weren't answering your phone, and I was this close to calling to report you missing! What do you have to say for yourself?" she demanded.

"It wasn't my fault! I got caught up in a quirk accident!" Katsuki yelled.

"It really wasn't his fault, Auntie Mitsuki," Izuku interjected. The hag softened at the sight of him.

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