Vritika gasped, finally piecing together the puzzle. "The Swayamvara! Is that your plan?"

Krishna's eyes danced. "Indeed, Vritika. A competition worthy of Subhadra's hand, where any warrior can prove his mettle and the victor claims his prize. No forced vows, no broken hearts, just pure, unadulterated love claiming its rightful throne."

"But surely, Bhaiya, Rajkumar Arjun remains bound by exile. How can he be present for the Swayamvar?" Vritika asked. "His presence may seem impossible, dear sister, but fate has a way of weaving its own tapestry. Trust in the dance of destiny, and all will be revealed." Krishna replied with a mischievous smile.

A wave of relief washed over Duryodhana. He bowed his head to Krishna, gratitude spilling from his lips. "Thank you, Dwarkadeesh. You have spared me, Bhanumathi, and Subhadra much heartache."

Vritika smiled, her hand resting gently on Duryodhana's shoulder. "This is a testament to your strength, Suyodhana. You faced your dilemma with honor, and in doing so, paved the way for a happily-ever-after not just for yourself, but for your beloved and your sister."

The tension dissipated like mist under the morning sun. The air, once burdened with fear, now vibrated with the promise of a brighter future. In Krishna's plan, everyone emerged victorious – Duryodhana's loyalty was not betrayed, Bhanumathi's love was preserved, and Subhadra could finally chase the melody of her own heart.

Vritika and Krishna stood opposite Balarama, his imposing figure casting a long shadow across the training ground. The air crackled with tension, as thick as the sweat beading on Balarama's brow after a vigorous session.

Krishna's playful voice cut through the rhythmic clang of steel. "Dau," he called, and Balram's imposing figure pivoted with a rumble. "Agh! Vritika When have you arrived? " Balram asked placing his mace down. "Just now Dau, you didn't even think to inform me before taking such big decision about Subhadra's life." she demanded, her voice laced with barely concealed anger.

"Vriti, don't you see?" Balram pleaded, his voice softening. "Suyodhana is a worthy prince. He respects me, and is a loyal brother to Karn, will always be by Subhadra's side. What more could she ask for?"

"Brother," she began, her voice laced with both respect and conviction, "while your request for Suyodhana's hand in marriage for Subhadra honors tradition, may I propose an alternative that perhaps better serves everyone's happiness?"

Balarama raised an eyebrow, his gaze shifting between Vritika and Krishna. "Intriguing, sister. Speak your mind." Krishna stepped forward, a playful glint in his eyes. "What Vritika suggests is a Swayamvara. Let Subhadra choose her husband from among worthy warriors who prove their mettle in friendly competition, not the battlefield."

Balarama stroked his chin, considering the idea. "A Swayamvara? But, Suyodhana has already..." "Offered himself as tribute to his teacher's will," Vritika cut in gently. "His loyalty is unquestionable, Dau. But is not true love a far greater gurudakshina, one that blossoms freely, not from duty?"

The gears turned in Balarama's mind. The Swayamvar held a certain appeal. It appeased his traditional warrior spirit, the thrill of competition fueling the spectacle. Moreover, it freed Suyodhana from an unwanted union, paving the way for his happiness with Bhanumathi.

"And where would this Swayamvara take place?" Balarama queried, a hint of intrigue coloring his voice. "Dwaraka itself," Krishna chimed in, his smile widening. "Imagine, brother, a grand tournament! Princes from across the land vying for Subhadra's hand, with Arjuna, Yudhishthira, Bhima, even Nakula and Sahadeva, all proving their prowess for the love of a princess."

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