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Vritika was angry with his brother as they just argue about Draupadi marrying Arjun. she complained that he didn't think about Subhadra who was already in love with Arjun and she would be broken by this. She sighed thinking about his words "everything is destinated dear and it will happen according to it, and this was written in their destiny to love the same person and you can't do anything in that"

She felt a hand behind her she turned to see it was her bhabhi Rukmini though they have met for the first time she felt a familiarity with her "I have heard your argument with Arya and trust me you are not wrong, you are thinking standing in the position of an elder sister but even Arya isn't wrong he is a friend of Draupadi and brother of Subhadra. he can't choose any one of them and he can't see anyone of the heart is broken, he does everything right to both of them so let's not interfere in that" she tried to soother with her words, but failed miserably as for writing Subhadra was her priority than all

"bhabhi I know taking away someone's right to love is not a right thing, and even I know that Draupadi is not at fault ,it's just I am concerned about my sister that's it what if Draupadi doesn't consider as her sister but if as a rival than my.." vritika stopped suddenly as she sensed somebody's presence in the room she turned to see Draupadi standing there who was standing there with a smile

"I am sorry Rajkumari but I have listened to your talks with bhabhi unwantedly and I can understand your concern and trust me Govind's sister will always be my sister too and for me, Subhadra is like a small sister and I don't know what is written in our both destiny but whatever it is I would accept it wholeheartedly," Draupadi said with a smile, vritika tried to find any inner meaning of those words but she couldn't Draupadi  was genuine with her

Rukmini smiled seeing vritika's inner turmoil cool a bit, she excused herself and left from there leaving both of them together "well that's it what I wanted to listen to Rajkumari for me my siblings are more important than my life and Bhadra is not just my little sister but I have brought up her too basically she is like my daughter it's just I think I am over-worried" vritika tried to smile

"it's common Rajkumari to worry about your even my sister is overprotective about me. I think it's common for elder siblings to worry about their younger siblings," Draupadi said with a small smiley face on her face

"I think rather was correct I was judging you before itself . you are a sweet person,"  she said caressing her face " well Rajkumari who is radhey," she asked her confusingly "well he is known as Karn to Arya Varta but rather for me"

"you mean Samrat Karn," Draupadi asked her with surprise in her eyes she nodded her head before they could continue their talks, they have called them to be prepared for swayamvar

outskirts of Panchal

Many kings and princes were making their way towards the palace, Pandavas were entering the city as they promised to help the potter who gave them food and shelter for some time.

Arjun and bheem were going towards the temple after collecting mud to make pot, and suddenly the wheel got struck in ground due to over weight and behind duryodhan's chariot stopped due to that arjun was trying to remove the wheel but he was not able to and even bheem has escaped by seeing food near by , duryodhan was becoming impatient due to that

"bhrahiman deva can you do it a bit faster we are getting late" duryodhan yelled a once making Arjun Panic as he didn't know that he was behind his back and was fearing that he might recognise him , he turned his face other direction and started to struggle with the wheel

"Mitr why are you venting anger which on my sakhi on that poor Brahmin" Arjun heard a sound of his arch rival but he confused whether he still considers him as rival or not

Tears Of DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now