chapter 10:Frozen Destiny

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(y/n pov)

*Same day as chapter 9*

Under the crystalline skies of Belobog, Y/n and Silverwolf descended the hills of the mountain, their steps guided by a shared purpose. The task ahead loomed, and Y/n, ever the strategist, leaned in with a discreet whisper.

Y/n: Psst, Silverwolf, we're about to reach the bottom of the mountain. Could you make us invisible? I'll conceal our presence with the spirit, allowing us to slip past the border gate guard unnoticed.

Silverwolf: (Nodding affirmatively) Understood, Y/n. I'll activate the invisibility, and you take care of the spirit concealment. We need to ensure our passage goes completely unnoticed.

Silverwolf deftly pressed a sequence of buttons on her Aether Editing Tool, the soft hum of the device harmonizing with her focused actions. In response, an unseen force enveloped Y/n and Silverwolf, causing their physical forms to dematerialize into a cluster of cubic distortions. The once-visible figures became obscured, appearing as ethereal cubes suspended in the air, effectively rendering them invisible to the naked eye.

In response to Silverwolf successful initiation of invisibility, Y/n, with a subtle gesture, Holding two fingers aloft harnessing the essence of all five elements into one cohesive force, he recited an incantation that resonated with the unseen forces around them.

Y/n: Oh great five spirits, weave the threads of vengeance and retribution, let the path close behind us, shrouded in shadows, lurking in the embrace of darkness.𝔠𝔞𝔭𝔞 𝔡𝔢 𝔳𝔢𝔩𝔬

As Y/n lifted his hand,The ambient spirit energy responded eagerly, swirling around Y/n's outstretched hand. The convergence of elements created an ethereal shroud that further masked their existence. The air crackled with the subtle manifestation of magical forces, ensuring that even the keenest magical senses would struggle to discern their hidden presence.

Silverwolf couldn't help but grin in amusement at Y/n's familiar ritual. The soft glow of their invisible forms created a surreal yet captivating spectacle. As she looked up at the spirits swirling around them in response to Y/n's incantation, their graceful dance added an extra layer of enchantment to the already magical atmosphere.

Silverwolf: (grinning) No matter how many times you've done this, Y/n, it's always a dashing and graceful sight.

A smug grin adorned Y/n's face as Silverwolf complimented the ethereal display.

Y/n: (smirking) Well, of course. They are great spirits, after all. It would be weird if they didn't look majestic every time I utilized them. Great spirits have a reputation to uphold, even if it's not a widely known power.
Now shall we continue our task silverwolf.

Silverwolf : yeah we should proceed.

As Y/n and Silverwolf silently moved past the vigilant guards, their invisible presence ensured they went undetected. Beyond the border gate, an expansive field of snow unfolded, revealing petrified antimatter formations standing like silent sentinels in the distance. The main gate was heavily guarded, emphasizing the protective measures taken to safeguard the citizens of Belobog from potential harm.

Venturing a distance away from Belobog, Y/n and Silverwolf traversed the snowy field, their steps leaving no imprints in the cold, pristine snow. The crystalline skies above witnessed their purposeful journey as they sought their objective. The landscape, cloaked in the stillness of winter.

Navigating the vast snowy field, Silverwolf, feeling a twinge of boredom, turned to Y/n with an inquisitive tone.

Silverwolf: Hey, Y/n, how long are we going to reach our objective?

In the end it is all a game ( silver wolf X reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें