God do I hate lying to her, feels like I'm lying to Amara except Alisa is much, much more gullible.

"Sorry, i- uh, it won't ever happen again," I reply with a raspy voice and I look out the window.

"Your lucky if there will even be a next time, knowing my brother."

I don't really care what your brother thinks now do I.

A minute of silence passes between us,

"How's your arm?" She asks.

"Holding up I guess, hurts a lot though,"

I'm used to the pain of a bullet or a cut but boy do I have to exaggerate.

We finally arrive back to the Moretti estate

On the rest of the drive I couldn't help but think of what if James sent me on this mission because he knew my fucking ex was somehow involved?

He wouldn't do that would he?

Another thought I couldn't quiet wrap my head around is why the fuck my ex, is the head of the Italian mafias current enemy?

Not to mention that my entire cover was basically almost blown and now I have to pull more excuses out of my ass and make up a whole story.

I'm getting a raise whether James likes it or not.

Before leaving the car I remind myself to take a deep fucking breath and to calm down before my headache gets any worse.

My door opens and I lock eyes with Domenico.

Prince fucking charming to the rescue.

He looks pissed but I could quite frankly give less of a fuck.

I start to get out of the car on my own instead of taking his help but I definitely regret it when I lose balance and my arm hits the side of the car.

A wave of pain shoots down my arm and I groan in pain.

Guess I spoke too soon when I said I had to exaggerate.

My arm feels heavy.

Breathing heavily and gritting my teeth I accept defeat and let Domenico help, he holds onto my other arm for balance and we walk in together not saying a word.

"Take her to my room I'll patch her up," says Alisa

"No I got it, go tell Luca to stop being a fucking baby," Domenico replies.

They all begin to argue back and forth and my head literally can't take it anymore.

"I'll take care of myself, I've done it before, now will all of you please shut the fuck up for the night,"

"Okay attitude, Angel." Luca says with his hand out.

I almost laugh but remember my arms bleeding, head is pounding and so I start heading upstairs.


I'm in one of the upstairs bathrooms wrapping my arm with clean gauze after I painfully took the bullet out, cleaned up my arm and stitched it up.

I hear footsteps approaching.

I just can't catch a break tonight.

"Why do you refuse my help?" Domenico's deep voice asks.

"Cus I don't need it."

He chuckles and walks up now standing behind me as we both look at each other in the mirror.

I can feel his body heat radiating onto me.

"What happened tonight, why did you freeze?" He asks while tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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