13 years

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13 years since Lucy Gray Baird gave birth to her daughter, Calandra Lilic Baird, with the help of Mary Blue Jones

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13 years since Lucy Gray Baird gave birth to her daughter, Calandra Lilic Baird, with the help of Mary Blue Jones. Mary Blue had her daughter, Lilly White Jones, during the early fall, making both Lilly and Calndra close in age. Lucy and Mary stayed for six years at the cabin, living a peaceful life. They traded with the merchants and gathered what they needed from their surroundings. However, by early spring, they were invited to join a clan called the Farran. Lucy Gray, after first wanting to stay, reasons that the girls should be raised in the place they are known for, but the real reason is in hopes that Coriolanus would come. However, after A LOT of persuasion and talking to, Lucy Gray agreed, and they took everything of value and set off.

Currently, the clan stopped by a large lake near the old city ruins before the Panem. There used to be thousands of cities before the time of Panem, but they were wiped out. The clan was gathering supplies for the trip south, and Lucy Gray was currently looking for her daughter."Callie! Callie!"Yelled Lucy Gray as she passed by some clan women gathering or weaving," looking for your girl?"Asked one of the clan women, "Yes, I told her to be back by midday, but.." Lucy Gray sighed, looking towards the abandoned city, "I think I know where she may have gone off to."Her voice is irritated, but loving.

Inside an old church in a deserted City

Calandra Lilic Baird, 13 years old, was looking around the new hot spot that both Lily and her found

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Calandra Lilic Baird, 13 years old, was looking around the new hot spot that both Lily and her found. Calandra has dirty blonde hair, olive skin, and bright blue eyes. Her mom says she inherited it from her father. Calandra was taking pictures of the building using a camera they found. The camera was old, and some of the parts needed to be replaced. However,  they managed to fix it up. "CALLIE, LOOK WHAT I FOUND!" Yelled Lilly White, as Odysseus (Calandra's dog) barks for his mistress. Calandra ran over to her best friend.

"Be careful Lily!"Calandra calls, before following her friend underground the church. The tunnel was a waterway under the church. "Huh, I've never seen anything like this before," Calandra exclaimed before they followed the river. As they followed it they found a large Carvarn, with technology they have never seen before."Hey let's see if it works," Says Lilly excited to see if the tech still works. Even if the clan were wonders they used scrap technology and recycled them to use for things like repairing cameras or building ways to keep them alive, "If it works we have to contact the hunters so they can get this stuff."Said Calandra, observing the large and old pieces of technology. On a table, there looked to be some sort of device, "Huh, what is this?"Calandra says touching it, unknowingly activating the device which was a tracking comm, which alerts the Capitol.

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