We kept on feeding him down in till he finally answered. "Stop. I'm hangin' over some sewage-water looking shit."

"You want back up?"

"Keep goin', I guess."

"Nice and slow," JJ added, and by the look on his face, he was getting some nasty rope burn too.


"Okay, okay. I'm at the bottom!" My brother yelled.

We circled the hole. "How is it down there?" Pope asked.

"It's worse that I thought."

"See? I told you we should've sent Dylan down instead," JJ poked my side, and I shivered at the touch.

"Stop it," I whispered.


"Find any gold?"

"Uh, nothing yet."

There was a little pause, and I was getting worried, though it was a few second timeframe.

Until I heard his yelling.


We began pulling him up, at his screaming of horror. I slung the rope across my shoulder, then turned and began pulling.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Wait!" John B shouted. "I think I found something."

"What'd you say?!" I whispered down to him.

"Give me a minute!" He pleaded.

"Hurry! I got some nasty-ass rug-burn!" I said, still holding on tight to the rope.


"John B, you okay?" JJ shouted.

"Any dead bodies?" Pope and I added. "Jinx."

He didn't answer. Something was going on, cause my brother never shut up unless something he needed to concentrate with was happening.


Soon enough, Kie and Sarah were booking it down the stairs, urgently.

"Guys, guys, guys!" Sarah squealed.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Mrs. Crain! She's up there! She tried to kill is with a fire poker," Kie explained, out of breath.

"We gotta get the FUCK outta here," Sarah agreed, bending down for air.

"Fuck," I muttered. "We locked her in the parlor but we gotta go!"

"We HAVE to go!"

"Okay, okay! Code red. That's code red. That's code red!" JJ exclaimed. I leaned over the hole. "John! Get back on!"

"Dyl! Hold on, I'm coming!" My brother shouted, finally answering me. We all got places on the rope, and I counted down.

"One, two, three!"

We all pulled, but there was no weight on the rope. John B wasn't even on it.

We all circled the hole once again, seeing if any sight of my brother was possible. I could hear some screaming, but none of it was ineligible. "What?!" I shouted.

"Dylan, JJ, Pope, Kie!!" He shouted.

"Yo, he's drowning!" Kie answered, nervously.

"Get back on the rope!" I ordered, "now!"

P4L, carpe diem (JJ Maybank)Where stories live. Discover now