-Chapter 4

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Onto Greater Things...

Hakguk's POV

Once we made it back to our home Tsu'tey and I had a long talk about our future here in the clan.

"But as far as we know he does not know that Mia'sak was our daughter!"

I was in distress, for as much as Tsu'tey and I went back and forth about the events that just occurred we were terrified. Not only for our family but the clan as well, this man knows Jake is alive and well. He knows that Jake has children, he has that little human Spider with him and if memory serves me right Quaritch is his dad. 

"Look Jake is leaving tomorrow, he already decided...now we must choose if we stay and risk the clan and our safety or we go with them."

I looked at Tsu'tey incredulously, he was never one to run when danger was near. But looking into his eyes I guess I failed to realize how much he has truly changed over the years. He is a not only a leader but he is now a father above all else. I felt selfish for a short moment, maybe the reason I am afraid to leave is because I am scared that Quaritch will find me and once again destroy me. However I cannot think about just me anymore. He was too close to Mia'sak way too close, what if he harmed her like he did me? 

Not only that but I am really trying not to give him too much credit, yes he is back but could he possibly connect the dots.Yes he could...as much as I try to deny that very fact. I am alive, I am mated, and now I am a father. I feel a warm hand pull me in by the waist, I look at my mate who is failing at portraying a tough persona. Just like I am struggling with all this new information he is too and I always fail to recognize that.

"Look I cannot guarantee the safety of this clan if we are to stay here, but I can definitely guarantee the safety of this family once we go."

I lay my head on his shoulder as he holds me tight, almost as if once he lets go I'll disappear like a whisper in the wind. Pulling away I nod and glance outside our tent, in the distance I could see a few families walking together care free. That is all I could ever want for my family as well, I do not want my children to carry my burdens with them for the rest of their lives. Maybe us leaving will finally give the people some much needed peace. I would hand my title back over to Mo'at since no one in the clan can actually take over the position unless they have trained hard for it. 

Tsu'tey already had someone in mind on who to make the new leader of the people. It will not be permanent, we are coming back but only once Quaritch is dead. We do not know who will kill him or when but we do know that he won't last on Pandora for long. 

After our talk Tsu'tey left the hut to speak with Jake and Tarsem. I guess Jake and Tsu'tey at some point talked with one another and decided Tarsem was the best option to leave as substitute clan leader. I have no opinions in all honesty, I sighed and looked around the hut that I had considered home in sadness. Even if we come back, I will miss this place dearly. Our children spent the second half of their lives here. It holds precious memories for all of us not just me. 

I heard slight sniffling behind me, I turn around and see Neytiri of all Na'vi. She looked like a kicked puppy, her eyes were glossy and her nose was twitching slightly. I opened my arms and she ran right to me, her head buried in my chest as she cried her heart and soul out. I may have been apart of the people for sixteen years but she has been with them since she first came into this world. All she knew was forest and even that was taken away from her too. 

"I do not want to leave Hakguk."

Instead of answering I just let her cry it out, all her frustrations, anger, sorrow, misfortunes. Everything she wanted to get off her chest I let her. The job of a Tsahik is not only to heal the body, but to heal the soul. However the job of family was to help without judgement, lend a hand, ear or shoulder no questions asked. It was to nurture and soothe, something we would be lacking once we are gone. However with this gesture I hope she would know that even if we are away from the people, she will always have a piece of home with us.

The next day soon arrived and our farewell ceremony took place. Usually for one leader to be born the other must die. And as such Tarsem cut at Tsu'tey's chest as a signal that the torch has been passed on. Mia'sak held onto my hand while Hyungwoo buried his head in my neck. It was painful to watch but the next time we come back either my husband or my son will fight for their throne to be returned to them. As for Mo'at she simply kissed my forehead and sent me off with some advice. She knows I will come back stronger for the clan and that is all that matters to her as a Tsahik. As a grandmother she is simply relieved her grand-babies and children will be safe. 

All of us loaded up onto our Ikrans, I made a bond with another Ikran after Pangea because she set off for a while, at least until she was needed again. My new Ikran, her name is Ka'tir (Cah-tear) she is a beautiful with a soft leathery red coat and orange stripes. I fed her a leopard palm fruit before we took off. 

Once we were in the air I advised Mia'sak and Hyungwoo not to look back, glad they listened to me. Up ahead Jake and Tsu'tey lead us on our adventure, they worked quite well together in guiding us to our new home. The voyage would take five days and four nights so each night we would stop and camp out in the ocean on small rocky islands. Our diet soon changed to fish since we did not want to use up all our dried foods and spices from home. At night we would all huddle by the fire and tell silly stories, Tsu'tey would recall the time Jake fell off his pali which would have the children giggling. 

It was nice, but soon our adventure ended when on the fifth day we came across a clan. And by the looks of my mate and Jake I guess this is where we were meant to be.

"No matter how far you are, you will always be our Tsahik. So learn well Hakguk, learn well for the good of your family and your people."

Book 2 Reality is a Dream (Sequel to Reality is a Nightmare/ Tsu'tey Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now