Ch. 10 - Deal of a Lifetime

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"Dang!" yells Ben.

"Well now that I brought her to you, it is time for me to go."

"Wait. Demi you cannot just leave."

"Sure I can. I am about to right now." She turns around to leave again.

"You are a part of this. The wolf will hunt you down."

"I am not afraid of some wolf. And remember that I am no longer under your control."

"Wait you gained the favor of the fairies, and a rare title. You obviously have some power."

"Yes, what about it? You could just have the adults do it."

"I do not know if I can trust them after the whole problem with the other VK's and this whole situation going now. I have an idea. Carnelian can you go out in the hall way this have to be private."

Carnelian looks at Demi, and Demi nods. Then she leaves the room.

"What did we need to be in private to talk about?"

"If you help take down this wolf. I will give you a royal favor."

Demi raises her eye brow at that. "And that is?"

"It is a huge deal in our world. If you are offered one, you are able to ask for anything."

Demi's eyes widen. And Ben adds, "Within reason. No firstborns or entire fortunes. It was mostly used for like property or the erasure of debts."

"What are the terms for this favor?"

"You have to help track down this wolf, and be instrumental in taking it down. If the adults manage to take it down first or Carnelian is harmed in way, the favor would be null and void."

Demi thinks on it, knowing she could do so much with a favor from Ben.

"Okay, we have a deal."

Demi turns and walks out the door, where Carnelian is waiting.

"What did he want to talk to you about?"

"Do not worry, I am going to find a place for you to stay, while I try to take down this wolf.

Charming W.I.T.C.H (OFC (Demi of Meridian) & Chad Charming)Where stories live. Discover now