Putt Putt Village

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*Out on a prairie*

*Rhonda was running along while the others were listening to Velvet and Veneer's song "Watch Me Work"*

Velvet (from the radio): Never gets old no matter how much I'm told, I'm amazing

Veneer (from the radio): You're amazing!~

Spruce: Oh, my kids love these guys! we're a total veneer household

JD: They're the ones who have floyd!

Spruce: Ah, It's gonna be hard to separate the art from the artist

Molly (sarcastically): Well whoop-dee-freaking-doo...

Spruce:...Is she okay or?

Branch: She's just in a bit of a salty mood because John's around

Spruce: Ohh right, got it

Tiny Diamond: Trust us, cousin molly may look like she made of cuddles and sunshine on the outside but when she see around someone she don't like, she's all gore and darkness, hey, molly! say something dark!

Molly: We're all just creations with no purpose other than to do the dumbest of *BLEEP* and when we've run out of dumb *BLEEP* to do we all just fall of this existential plane and into the abyss of eternal nothingness...

Lil' Icy: See? classic molly

Spruce:...Has she seen a therapist lately?

Branch: Nope, a psychiatrist? yes, but a therapist? not in a million years

JD: Does that explain the messed up stuff in that little head of hers?

*Suddenly Giulia grabs John and slams his head into the ground*

JD: OW! *raises his hands up in defense slightly* O- okay, you're right red-head, that was over the line

Spruce:...Well anyway, Poppy, I gotta be honest with you, I've never raised a teenager before but, I imagine it's basically one of the toughest things, but being queen and a single mom- well you're not like- SINGLE single, because you're dating branch- and raising a teenager? you have my full respect as a parent

Poppy: *chuckles* C'mon now, being a queen and being a parent are tough jobs but, it's nothing I can't handle

Spruce: Oh! y'know, Brandi and I gonna be hosting a retreat for other parents back in vacay island in a few months, maybe you and branch could come and join in!

Molly: Sure, that sounds cool or whatevs

Radio announcer: That's velvet and veneer's spicyhot new single "Watch Me Work"! catch them tomorrow night at the Rage Dome where they'll be receiving the Lifer Award!

*Then spurce turns off the radio and branch walks over to JD and Poppy who were now checking the clue board*

Branch: Guys, will Floyd even make it through that show?

Molly: Well maybe he will, maybe he won't, we'll find out

Branch (sarcastic): *looks at molly with a dead-pan expression* Thanks molly that makes me feel a lot better-

Poppy: Don't worry, we're gonna make it

Poppy: We've been looking for clues to find Clay

Branch:...Oh, I'm sorry, the clue board? you mean my clue board? that I made?...we like the clue board now?

Poppy: *notices the funderdrawers clay was wearing in a magazine* What is he wearing?

Branch: Hm? oh those are just his-

Trolls Band Together (With the Ali-humans and Giulia)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum