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No ones pov:

The ua entrance exam starts in a week students from around Japan are getting ready training and studying to get past UA high standards.

Bakugo- "so your telling me you stole that from UA. How?"

Bakugo said looking at midoriya sat on his desk with a book in front of him.

Midoriya- "well not really, I snuck into ua and looked at what the nezu was doing and wrote down what the test will be."

Bakugo- "okay concerning but what are the test..wait how did you write your a cat."

Midoriya- "so the first test is a writing test didn't see much about it didn't really care, but the next thing is a mocks exam were you have to fight some robots, easy robots 1 points, medium robots 2 points and hard robots 3 points."

Bakugo- "izu that 4 not 3."

Midoriya- "let me finish, the 4th robot is worth 0 points but..."

Bakugo- "oh well then okay I guess we..."


Bakugo sinkes into his chair and looks at midoriya.

Midoriya- "okay so the 4th robot is worth 0 points BUT they have hero points."

Bakugo sat up in his chair and looks at the book.

Bakugo- "hero points?"

Midoriya- "Yeah you get hero points by saving and helping people, basically there's two ways to get into UA one just destroying robots or helping people."

Bakugo- "Huh I guess that's good to know, but it looks like they won't tell us."

Midoriya- "Yeah, but now we have to look at the more important thing."

Bakugo- "Yeah we have to get back to trai-"

Midoriya- "HERO COSTUME!"

Bakugo looks at midoriya as he puts his paws in the air with a happy look, Bakugo had a confused look on his face.

Bakugo- "izu what the hell do you mean by hero costume?"

Midoriya- "well I already have your costume planned out and so is mine so know we are going to get them built."

Bakugo- "built okay izu were the hell or who the hell do you thinks going to build our costume and how the hell do you have blueprints of them."

1 hour later:

Bakugo was standing in front of someone's house with midoriya on his shoulder.

Bakugo- "okay were are we and who lives there?"

Midoriya- "a friend of mine."

Bakugo- "you have friends."

Midoriya- "Yeah she the same age as us and wants to get into UA hero sports course."

Bakugo- "How did you end up being friends with her."

Midoriya- "oh well after You beat me up and left me in the alleyway a girl walked by with a bunch of bags and had dropped them and I helped her out, then she want me to test out her baby's so I did and she said she owes me one."

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