Jack Doohan (1)

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Jack and Ollie have been dating for 3 years and things were going good for them until one day were Ollie had been really ill he was throwing up so much he had been to the hospital and they did test's to see what was wrong but they couldn't find anything. some day's Ollie would be ok and would be fine,

and some day's he wasn't able to move from bed or anything he would throw up and would end up passing out, at one point he started losing his hair as well. Jack took Ollie to the hospital again and this time on the test it showed he had cancer and lucky for them it was caught early so they could remove it as soon as.

Jack was happy that they had found it but was angry that they didn't find it last time he brought Ollie in. "when will it be surgery done." "the surgery will be done now so we can see if its spread more or if we got it on time." Jack nods and look's at Ollie and kisses his head. "babe are u ok with that."

"yea I'm ok with it I just want to stop being ill." "then its settled Ollie will go into surgery in a moment." Jack nods and the doctor leaves the room to tell the staff to prep the OR. 3 hours go by and the nurses bring Ollie to his room where Jack was waiting for him.

"we caught it on time any later and he would of had to go through more pain and be on a load of meds to help him." "ok that's good but why was it missed last time." "there was really nothing there and since u brought him back because he got more ill it all of a sudden appeared so the both of u are

lucky." Jack nods and look's over to Ollie was sleeping. "how long until he wakes up." "about an hour or two." Jack nods. 2 hours later Ollie wakes up and look's over to Jack who was sleeping in the chair. "Jack." Jack wakes up and look's at Ollie. "ur awake." Ollie nods and smiles. Jack smiles and gently hugs,

Ollie. "did u enjoy ur sleep." "yea I did I needed it." Ollie giggles and kisses Jack on the head "ur one big baby u know that." 3 years passed and things were going well for Ollie and Jack the both of them got to do their race that many people thought that they had broken up,

and started dating new people and there were many roomers going around about it. Ollie was with Ferrari team doing an interview's before the race and other thing's. after the interview's had been done Ollie was going through mixed emotions because of what the fan's were asking.

Jack had gone through the same and he hated it so he came up with a plan that the Ferrari team would have to do a collab stage with the Alpine's team, and that is what he done. Jack had asked his manager to make it happen. a few day's later both teams had gathered for the interview.

they had to play a answer game, the ball was passed to Jack to start of the game and he asked the question to Lando and then passed the ball to Lando. 5 rounds later it was Ollie's turn and he asked the question he wanted ask to Jack and Jack answered it honestly.

that night the media were at their house waiting for them to come home but little did the media know was they were already in their house. the both of them laugh at the media and went to sit back down on the sofa and got comfterble for the movie they were going to watch.

months go by and things had gone quite about the Jack and Ollie situation and everyone was happy about it and everything went back to normal for them. one day while Jack was out shopping for food Ollie was running to the bathroom constantly throwing up and he thought back when he was ill so he went,

to the hospital but this time it was worse and Ollie was crying on the way home. when he got home Jack was looking at him confused but went to him and hugged him. "you ok." "no its back and this time its worse." "we can fight this together we will make it through it together ok."

5 years go by and things weren't going well for the both of them at one point Jack thought he had lost Ollie but he was ok. when they were out in public they pretended everything is ok and when they were around their friends or family they could be them selfs and everyone was sad about this but they got,

the love and support from them. Ollie was now in hospital and this time they said he couldn't go home since the illness had gone really worse. the both of them were talking about things and the nurse comes into the room to check on Ollie and smiled "it looks like ur getting more better than the last,

3 months u have been here the treatment is working hopefully it will be gone soon." Ollie and Jack were happy about this. days had gone by and things had gotten better for them the chemo had worked he was all better. it was the day Ollie got to ring the bell to say it was gone and he could go home.

Ollie had rang the bell and then smiled and thanked everyone for what they had done. after that him and Jack had gone home and when they got there everyone was there waiting for them. "welcome home Ollie."

Ollie cried and hugged everyone then hugged Jack, "u guy's didn't have to do this you know." "we know but we wanted to u have been through so much we just wanted to celebrate." Ollie laugh's and everyone celebrated that Ollie was better.

"illness didn't win this one."

The End

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