Oliver Bearman (4)

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As usual the F2 driver's were getting ready for the pre season testing in Bahrain with the F1 driver's Ollie had done his track walk and training and was now sat outside enjoying the sun while he can, Arthur just passes by and Ollie just looks at him passing by, "mate u need to stop doing that." "doing what." "staring at Arthur he finds it creepy and has told the staff about it and they warned u."

"I can't help it I like him but I can't tell him." "why though." "because he hates gay people he said it him self when he was asked about it last season and ever since then I try and not to stare but I can't help it." Oscar sigh's, knowing damn well that Arthur liked Ollie and knew why he said that he hated Gay's because the team had told him to say it because they didn't like the idea of people like that.

"have u tried talking to him." "yes and every time I do I either stutter or I panic and run away." "oh boy this is gonna be a long season." "come on Oscar ur ment to be my best friend." "I never said anything." "I know u well enough to know what u said ment." Oscar laugh's "well get ur shit together and go tell him then." "no" "fuck sakes if u don't do it I will." "don't u dare." "u know I would do it so step up ur game boy."

Oscar walks away. season had started 3 months ago and Ollie still hadn't told Arthur he like him and Oscar was getting sick and tired of it, so he took matters into his own hand's Oscar walks over to Arthur who was talking to Charles, "hi Arthur can I talk to u for a moment if u don't mind." "oh hi Oscar and sure bye Charles." "by Arthur and good luck today." "thanx bro," Charles walks away, "so what's up."

"do u really hate gay people." "no I don't I was just forced to say it." "ok good one thing out of the way and second off all Ollie really likes you and he doesn't have the guts to tell u after the interview u did last season." "of course he thinks that, that silly boy." "so do u like him as well." "yes but I was waiting for him to tell me but u told me because the idiot is scared to talk to me" "ok good now just to get everything over and done with tonight tell him u like him please." Ollie nods.

Ollie was sat in his driver's room thinking about leaving the team and the sport all together because he feels like it was for the best since no one liked him because he was gay, he thought about it for a while anyway so went and told the team principle about it and that this season was his last one. for the rest of the season he was only focused on wanting to win the last few races before he would go for good.

and in thought's last few races of the season he had won them in first place, Haas was really impressed by ollie and wanted to sign him as their reserve driver but when they found out he was leaving F2 because of him being Gay the team was shocked to hear it and signed him anyway because they knew how good of a driver he was, Ollie was currently on the flight home, meanwhile Arthur was looking all over the place for him. "where is he." "I don't know I tried calling him but it goes to voicemail." Arthur sigh's and tries to think how to get hold of Ollie.

just then Kevin passes them, "Kevin have u seen Ollie." "yea I not long dropped him off at the airport he was heading home." "oh ok thanx you." Kevin smiles and walks away. "so he just left without telling us." "this isn't something he would do willingly." "its because he isn't coming back racing thanx to u." Aron points to Arthur. "huh what do u mean." "Ollie left F2 and isn't coming back because of u." "me why me though."

"because he liked u and when u said that in the interview he had been thinking of leaving F2 for good and he finally broke." "I was gonna tell him ages ago I liked him but he ignored me gave me the cold shoulder so I thought he was stressed and left him to it and was gonna tell him today but now I can't."

Aron just walks away from them and Arthur left bad, "he left because of me." "it's not ur fault I know for a fact he wouldn't leave because of u." "but everyone has been blaming me for it." "we need to fix things fast." "Arthur were are u." Arthur look's up to see Charles looking for him. "over here." Charles sees Arthur and Oscar and runs to them with Max following right behind him. "are u ok did they hurt u." "I'm ok and no one hurt me but I hurt someone."

"Arthur u didn't do anything wrong it's ur team's fault for making u say that." "we can fix this." "how though." "live stream everyone will join and u can say everything u want there." "that's a good idea." "but Ollie won't see it he is on a flight back home." "I know the flight he is on because it's my jet he used I let him use it to go home." Charles grabs his phone and looks at where his jet is and seen it was close to landing in the uk."

a little while later Arthur had done the live stream and everyone was happy to know the truth that he didn't hate gay people, when Ollie was watching the stream he was shocked but didn't say anything and pretended he wasn't there. during the winter brake Arthur tried to have fun on his ski trip but couldn't as he felt really bad.

Max come's up to him and pats his back, "go to him." "how." "use my jet, I'll come with u to make it look like we went somewhere." "thanx." "anything for u little Leclerc." Max and Arthur had made their way from the lodge they were staying at and made their way to Max's jeep and drove to the airport. Arthur had contacted Ollie's mom to say they were on their way there and she was happy about it.

hours later everything was back how it was ment to be, Ollie was happy that Arthur had told him how much he loved him and Max just stood there looking at the both of them, everything was quite until Max's phone rang, he looks at his phone and panicked he picks up his phone, "yes."

"Max Emilian Verstappen where are u and my brother." "didn't Lando tell u where we were going." "why was Lando ment to tell me." "because he was the one who saw the both of us leaving and don't worry we are fine we are with Ollie and we will be leaving in a moment to come back." "you better." "don't worry love we will."

Ollie, Arthur and Max had now arrived in Switzerland and Ollie was just looking out of the window enjoying seeing snow for the first time. once they arrived back at the lodge they were staying at Charles was stood there watching them drive up to the house,

"welcome back and Ollie welcome to our vacation home." "thanx it's really nice." when Ollie had noticed the whole F2 grid was there as well he got more happier. Ollie was happy to be back and was even more happy that he was now Arthur's boyfriend.

The End

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