She put on a beige coat and left the house with her goddaughter in her arms. "I want to go shopping and you?"

Dorcas was inside a children's shop, holding the little girl with one arm and the other holding the cart now almost full of children's clothes and tools.

Morrigan touched her cheek and pointed to a shelf with only a stuffed clown doll.
Dorcas handed it to her and she took it immediately, the clow had a neutral expression, his skin was white, two red lines went beyond his eyes to his mouth and he was dressed in traditional black and red checkered clothes.

"You little one really have particularly strange tastes, let me tell you, I would never take something like that, but what's the problem with producers, we're not even at halloween.”

Dorcas paid and left the shop and headed towards the benches overlooking the tower bridge, she placed Morrigan who was holding the doll tightly on her thigh.

She looked down and noticed that she was resting her back on her stomach, now that she thought about it, she was very quiet, babies her age should have been crying, having their diapers changed repeatedly and falling asleep anywhere, but instead she was just crying for attention , had her diaper changed when necessary and slept only at night, something his family constantly complained about, worrying that she may not grow like other children due to lack of sleep.

Dorcas wondered what she would be like when she grew up, which of her parents she would be most like or whether she would also take after her as her godmother, connected by a pact of magic, or after that wretched Snape.
Lily eventually appointed him as her godfather, to the displeasure of almost everyone, despite him never having the decency to visit her.

The role of godmother and godfather were important, it meant that you had to accompany the child throughout her life, be there in times of difficulty and acquire total protection in case her family (by blood) was no longer there.... ...

In the magical world there was also a sort of magical connection, which united the two until death, the child could feel everything he wanted towards them, but the godfather or godmother would automatically feel an instinct of kinship or some sort of responsibility towards the child.

That's exactly what Dorcas felt right now as she moved the white curls spilling out of the bonnet behind Morrigan's ear.

The little girl pointed to the cars moving back and forth across the bridge and tilted her little head back.
"You're too small for a car, maybe when you're older, definitely older you can have one, although i think Sirius and Peter will take you for a ride in their car."

Peter? Morrigan had never heard of that name until then.

The sky was slowly darkening and Dorcas decided it was the right time to leave, she took Morrigane and made her lie down in the wheelchair she bought at the shop, placed the blanket on her, kissed her forehead and they headed home.

A man dressed entirely in black emerged from the telephone booth and followed the two with the gaze as it slowly moved away, there was something almost indecipherable in his gaze
He moved a lock of black hair in front of his eyes, and invisible to the eyes of the muggles he disappeared.

Dorcas cleaned Morrigan's mouth once she stopped eating the food, cleared the table and noticing that the little girl was barely awake, she picked her up, put her white pajamas on her, turned off the light with a wave of her hand and brought her closer to her.

She took the now sleeping little girl's hand on her chest and began to analyze the difference in size, she couldn't imagine what Lily and James felt, knowing that their home was the only safe place for their daughter while outside an ongoing war, sleeping every night with the thought that they might lose her, or that someone might hurt her.

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