Concert fight

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It's been two months now since the café incident and since then zane and Emma filed a police report after seeing Egon three times watching from a distance. Of course as Emma predicted the cops couldn't do a thing. Yet them going to the cops seemed to scare him off. This brought Emma some peace yet she has stayed cautious, closed every curtain and blinds in the house while Zane upgraded their security system. They told their friends about the stalker but not their parents. Why? Because Emma couldn't bear having her parents worry about her even though Zane was insisting they tell them but, in the end he respected her wishes. Zapella had asked their manger to increase security when they arrive at the studio which he did.
Tonight is the concert they have been preparing for and Emma feels very safe being with Zane and her friends. Her parents were there along with other parents who double check the sound stage, lights, and microphones. Zane twirls his drumsticks while reading the song list and sees the new song from their new album. "Ok we're all set and the crowd is ready" Amy smiled holding a clipboard. "Thanks mom" Emma smiled. The six rockstars hear their name being chanted as they approached the stage entrance. The sound grows louder and they darken the lights making the crowd scream in excitement.

Emma starts a creepy tune on her keytar get the crowd excited and the light flicker lighty before Zane hits the drums and Bones, Ivy, and Ash join in with a deep beat making lights flash fast at the beat. "YOU ALL OUT THERE READY TO FUCKING ROCK!" Zapella yelled into the microphone as the beat continued behind her and the crowd scream. "HELL YEAH!" She said and the lights with flames shot as she starts to sing. Then came the course and dark blue fog blows out and blue sparklers lit up the stage. "Are you sick like me? Am I beautiful as I tear you to pieces!" she sings making the crowd sing and cheer. Emma smiled and flips her hair continue play the song and gets lost in the crowds cheers and the blaring music not noticing Egon was in the shadow of the front row with his hood up smiling at her.
Hours later they get to last lyrics before the last song when Emma suddenly notices him in the front. "Confusing what is real!" Zapella sung and the music stops making the crowd scream. "I hope you had fun tonight guys! We sure as fuck did!" Zapella said and the crowd cheers. "We're gonna end this night with one song from our new album that you guys get to hear first!" She said and the fans cheered louder. Zane taps his drums and the song starts. Emma sees Egon licking his lips and she walks away making Ivy notice after singing her back ground singing. "You ok?!" She asked loudly over the music. "He's here! My stalker!" Emma replied and ivy sees in her direction then nods before walking to Zapella as Bonestine did his solo and told her what Emma said. Zapella sees Egon staring at Emma who had moved away yet was still in his sights. "STOP THE MUSIC!" Zapella said and the music cuts off confusing everyone as the lights brightened. "GET SECURITY OUT HER AND ESCORT THIS FUCKING PERVERT OUT AND BLACKLIST HIM FROM FUTURE CONCERTS!" She said and points to Egon. Zane sees him and anger boils in his blood. Egon suddenly dodged security and got on stage heading to Emma. "STAY AWAY FROM HER!" Zane yelled and tackles him to the groan. Both males fighting on the stage. Zane puts Egon into a chokehold before Egon scratches deep in Zane's arm and bit his hand making him release him. Egon was caught by security yet he gets out their grip then runs with security chasing him. "Zane!" Emma yelled as Zane winced in pain as blood was dripping from his arm. "Sorry everyone we're gonna stop here thank you for coming out!" Zapella said. 

The lights dimmed over them before the curtains closed.

StalkedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora