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Emma sips tea in the cafe in town waiting for Issac to show up. She has something important to ask him. "Hey sis" issac said sitting down. "Hey bro" she said smiling. "So what's going on? It's been a weeks since we got together for drinks" he said. "Well as you know I'm getting married" she smiled. "Yes and I'm happy for you" issac smiled. "So I was wondering if you would be my Man of Honor" she smiled. "Wait what?" "I want you to be my Man of Honor ya know you're my brother and know me from behind close doors." She smiled. "So I have to come to the bachelorette party or will I attend Zane's?" He chuckled. "Yes you be with Zane" she laughed. "Then I accepted the honor" issac said and she clapped super excited. The two hug and clicks are heard from outside of the cafe. Emma and issac sit down and enjoyed their drinks while talking when Emma froze suddenly. "Em you ok?" He asked his sister who leans forward and whispered. "Issac it's that guy over there. He was at the signing and gave me a bad vibe plus the way he grabbed my hand.... I need to leave without him seeing me." Emma said and issac slowing turns his head and sees the hedgehog. "Ok" he said. Issac walks up to the counter with his cup and pretends to grip and spills the coffee on the guy. "The hell!" He said. "I'm so sorry dude let me help you get that clean." Issac said and kept the attention on him while Emma snuck out. When Egon turns to look at the table she was at and saw she wasn't there he growled. "Thanks a lot buddy!" He snapped then left. By the time he walked out she was already down the street. "Damn!" He snapped. "Yo buddy" he turns and issac punched him. "Stay away from my sister" he said and walks away.
Emma sighs when she gets home and Zane kisses her. "Well did issac say yes? Because Britney said yes to being my best woman" he said excitedly then saw how she was shaking. "Hey whoa are you ok?" He asked and she tells him. "You're kidding?" "No I'm not" she said and he hugs her. "Ok we need to get the police involved." Zane said. "It was a coincidence Zane.... No need for that...." She said. "Bullshit I'm not risking it." He said. "Zane what are they going to do there's not enough evidence....." Emma said and he sighed. "Fine" he said and they head to their room to relax and watch a movie.

"We really need to tell someone about this... I'm getting worried."

Stalkedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن