end of the war

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Yunjin released an unhinged cry of rage as she launched herself at her father,  uncaring of the injuries she still possessed. They were less than bee stings when compared to the pure anger she felt as she attacked. Her shadows moved like an extension of her being, ebbing and flowing as she charged and swung her sword.

Hades grunted in surprise as she pushed him back, just barely bringing his own sword up in time to block. Yunjin met his gaze, and, for a brief moment, she saw something that looked like fear - or remorse - reflected in his dark eyes.

Yunjin paid it no mind.

She'd never fought so ferociously, swinging her sword with strength she didn't know she possessed. Her shadows responded to her emotions and thoughts, curling around her sword and making each strike that much more powerful.

As Hades stumbled back once again, still off-balance, Yunjin conjured a dagger of pure shadow, flinging it at her father before striking with her blade once again.

Hades just barely twisted in time to dodge the dagger, and it sliced the skin of his bicep. He recovered just in time to bat Yunjin's blade away with his own, standing straight up and finally regaining his balance.

Yunjin clenched her jaw, stepping back to meet her father's eyes.

"Yunjin," Hades spoke, and Yunjin cringed when she heard the power in his voice. It was the same tone that had been filling her head for the past eight hours, controlling her every thought and action. She'd been powerless to stop herself as she hurt her friends, attacked her fellow campers, and nearly killed the girl she loved.


One glance back at the girl watching the battle unfold, still wearily standing guard at the entrance to Olympus, was enough for Yunjin to withstand the power in Hades' words.

No longer would she be his puppet.

"Yunjin, stop, " Hades said, forcing every ounce of power into his tone, trying as hard as he could to restore the charm he'd placed on his daughter.

Yunjin simply stared at him, raising her sword once again. "Why don't we just finish this?" she snarled, and she knew the shadows became thicker, more pronounced as she spoke.

Hades loosed a breath, leveling an even gaze at his daughter. "I don't wish to fight you, Yunjin." he said, voice uncharacteristically soft. "But if you stand between me and Olympus..."

"This isn't about Olympus anymore." Yunjin replied, a dangerous lilt to her tone. "It stopped being about Olympus and this stupid war the moment you tried to lay a hand on Chaewon and my friends."

The shadows expanded, curling around her legs and arms as she spoke.

"You charmed me, took away my free will, forced me to hurt my family." Yunjin said, eyes glowing with power. She took a step forward, satisfied to see a hint of fear shining in her father's eyes. "I'm prophesied to bring an end to this war? Fine."

Her grip tightened around her sword, and she extended her arm, grabbing complete control over the powers that had scared her for so long. The powers she'd let control her life and hurt those she loved.

No longer.

" Let's end it. "

The battle was long and hard-fought, and by the end, both parties were injured and weary.

Yunjin ignored her aching body, forcing herself to continue.

Only a little longer, she told herself. You can do this.

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