Epilogue: Roses and Lilies

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One Year Later

Yuuhime left the escape room, the last paycheck she'd need for her gift to Xuan.

"Hey, Yuuhime!" Li Guang waved from her car. She'd asked her friends to come and help her pick out Xuan's gift.

"Thanks for helping me." Yuuhime said as she got in.

"Of course!" Norah said from the back seat, "what are friends for?"

Intisar grunted in agreement. Yuuhime's smile couldn't be contained.

"So, which jewelry shop you wanna go to?" Li Guang asked.

"Jewelry shop?" Norah asked, before here eyes lit up. "No. Way!!"

"Yes way!!" Yuuhime squealed. Norah was so jittery, that Intisar even caught a little bit of her excitement and started asking questions.

"Where are you gonna do it?"

"Estero Harbor, I'm thinking we're gonna get some treats at Asura's shop then play on the beach, and just as he's not expecting it, I'm going to propose!"

Norah clasped her hands together, "It's simply amazing! It fits your relationship perfectly."

"Do you need anyone to keep an eye out for..." Li Guang didn't say their names, but Yuuhime knew who she was referring to.

"We haven't seen either in almost a year," she said, "if they did decide to show up, we're more than ready to take them on now."

"Alright." Li Guang came to a stop at a shopping mall. They hopped out and went into it, looking around for the store.


"Do you like this one?" Leora asked, holding up a ring. Xuan shook his head. He, Ling, Lewis, and Leora went ring shopping once they found out he was going to propose to Yuuhime.

"That's a really big diamond." Xuan remarked.

"I have to agree," Lewis chuckled, "it might make Yuuhime fall over."

"Well, it has to be special." Leora said.

"I know, that's not it." Xuan looked around the expansive shop. His eyes landed on a particular ring. It had pink and orange flowers on it, the silver band curved like the sea. It was almost identical to the necklace Yuuhime lost on their ice cream date, which she was very sad about. The teller was just about to take it out when Xuan ran over.

"Excuse me, is that ring for sale?"

"Yes, do want it?"

"How much?"


"Sheesh, is it really that bad?" Lewis glared down at the teller.

"No, it's not that, I swear!" The teller shook his head. "It was custom made by a couple years ago, but then their wedding got called off for one reason or another."

"And not a soul has bought it?" Xuan asked.

"No! No one thinks it's appropriate for weddings because of the names on it."

Xuan tilted his head. The teller held up the ring, the names "Wilhelm and Irene" carved on in beautiful cursive.

"That's too bad," Ling said, "it's really not a bad looking ring at all."

"If no one wants it, I'm just going to melt it so I can use it to make another ring." The teller said, turning to leave.

"Wait, I'll buy it." Xaun quickly said. His friends all looked at him, confused.

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