Jake Meets His Bodyguard

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The next day, Jake was at his house getting ready to have breakfast. As he made his coffee, he got a call from his father. Jake picked up the phone and said, "oh hey Dad, good morning!" Jacob Sr said on the phone, "Good morning son. I spoke to one of my former co-workers from SHIELD and she found someone who can protect you during the preparations of Beck's trial." Jake smiled with relief and said, "that's great to hear." Jacob Sr continued, "from what Valentina told me, your bodyguard is a former Black Widow." Jake poured his coffee into a cup and replied, "a Black Widow, huh? That sounds rather interesting."

"Yeah, from what Val told me, this former Black Widow is considered one of the best," continued Jacob, "she's guaranteed me that this person will protect you with her life." Jake smiled and said, "thank goodness for that." Jacob said on the phone, "anyway, can you come over for lunch at our house today? That's when you'll be meeting your bodyguard." Jake nodded and said, "yeah I can do that." His father replied, "Alright then, we'll see you there. I love you son." Jake smiled and said, "I love you too Dad."

Morning soon turned into afternoon and after getting cleaned up and dressed, Jake drove over to the family household in Manchester, New York where his family lived and where he spent his childhood and teenhood at. When Jake got accepted into college, he always tried to make the effort to visit his family home every Sunday for dinner and for holiday occasions and family birthdays. So he was no stranger to this house. He parked the car and got out, wandering over to the door. Jake knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer the door. He cautiously jerked his head a couple times hoping that there was nobody behind him. Less than a minute later, Jake's father answered the door. "Hey Dad," said Jake, hoping nobody would try to follow him. "Good to see you son," said Jacob, "come on inside." As the elder Phillips shut the door while Jake got inside, the young man asked, "Where's Mom and Lisa?" He followed his father as Jacob replied, "oh they're having lunch at Joe's Pizza. Follow me." The father and son went over to the dining room table and waiting for them was Valentina.

"Hey Valentina," said Jake as he waved a little. "Well hello Jake," said Val, "I haven't seen you since you were yay big. How are you holding up?" Jake shrugged and said, "surviving. But can you blame me for constantly looking behind my back?" Val shook her head and replied, "I know how that feels. But anyway, I was able to find someone who'll keep a good eye on you and anyone who might try to harm you. Say hello to your new bodyguard!" And out of the kitchen was Yelena, this time wearing her white jumpsuit with her green vest. Yelena looked up at Jake and said, "hello there." Jake blushed and said, "hello to you too." He was surprised at how beautiful this woman was. "Jake, this is Yelena Belova," explained Val, "she used to be one of many Black Widow assassins. Now she works for me."

"A Black Widow, eh? That's cool," said Jake, "it's uh, nice to meet you Mrs Belova." He shook her hand. "Oh I'm not married. But it's nice to meet you too," said Yelena and thankfully she didn't blush, "in the flesh this time. You don't have to call me Mrs. You can call me just Yelena." Val smirked, she could tell that Jake was developing a crush on Yelena. "That works for me," said Jake, he could tell that Yelena was a confident woman, even despite her short height. It was an aspect of hers that he liked. "Yelena will be protecting you day and night while you all await Beck's upcoming trial," said Val, "I'm sure it'll be interesting, the two of you living together in your household as you go about your mundane activities."

"Make that three." Yelena slightly joked, "I have a dog. I hope you don't mind her staying with you." Jake tilted his head in curiosity and asked, "oh you have a dog? I love dogs. What's her name?" Yelena smiled and said "her name is Fanny. Here girl!" Yelena did a whistle, and then her American Akita dog known as Fanny ran out of the kitchen, wagging her tail. Yelena rubbed Fanny's head and her ears while cooing, "hello Fanny, who's a good girl? Who's a good girl?" Jake smiled and said, "Your dog is so cute! Could I please pet her?" Yelena smiled and said, "you may." Jake crouched and offered his hand to Yelena's dog. Fanny sniffed Jake's hand and allowed him to pet her. "You're such a pretty girl," said Jake as he rubbed Fanny's ears. The dog immediately liked Jake. "How would you all like leftover pasta for lunch since you're all here?" Jacob offered. Jake stood up and said, "that sounds great Dad."

An hour after eating lunch, Jake helped Yelena load her several suitcases that contained her clothes and weapons into the trunk of his car since she would be living with him for the time being. Once everything was packed, Jake offered, "allow me to drive you and Fanny to my house. I know the way there." Yelena shrugged and said, "All right, just this once. I'll have to protect you when you're driving, you know. But I suppose there is logic behind your wanting to drive since you know the way to your house. But when I drive you, do not think of this as a Driving Miss Daisy situation." Jake nodded and said, "got it. You get shotgun." Jake got in the driver's seat, Yelena got in the passenger seat, and Fanny got in the backseat, earning a pat on the head from Yelena. Jake then started to drive, leaving the family household and 40 minutes later, they were at Queens and made it to his house. Once Jake parked the car, Yelena said, "allow me to get out first to see if the coast is clear." Yelena got out of the car and looked around to see if there were any assassins or other techno drones ready to kill Jake. She couldn't detect any. "Coast is clear Jake," said Yelena, and Jake got out, also letting the dog out. He opened the trunk and then went to the front door to unlock it. "Here's hoping I didn't trigger a bomb inside," said Jake.

"I've seen that kind of booby trap before," said Yelena, "I was trained to detect if something like that would happen. And I was trained to diffuse such a trap. Your door is safe. No one would try to put a booby trap bomb inside your door in this neighborhood. It would be unsubtle and overkill, and it could potentially kill other neighbors. Then again, Mysterio clearly loves to be theatrical and doesn't care who he takes out." Jake unlocked the door and chuckled nervously, "you can say that again. Not literally though." They got out Yelena's suitcases from the trunk and Yelena chuckled, "don't worry, I may not be American, but I understand metaphors and what's figurative and what's literal." She liked Jake. He treated her like a human being and was also a gentleman, willing to help her carry her suitcases. It was rare for her to find a chivalrous gentleman in this age. As they went inside, Jake shut the door behind him and he said, "I believe I have a spare room next to my bedroom. I don't usually have guests over, but I'll see if I can get out a spare mattress for you to sleep in. Allow me to guide you to where I sleep." Jake, Yelena, and Fanny went upstairs and made it to Jake's bedroom and he explained, "so this is my bedroom where I usually sleep and do other things. I usually like to read and watch TV in the living room downstairs." He then guided Yelena to the spare room and explained, "and this is the spare room. I don't always use it, so you're welcome to sleep here and do any regular exercises." They went inside the spare room to put down the many suitcases and Yelena said, "that sounds good. I have a rigorous training regiment in order to help me stay fit, and this spare room has the right amount of space that I need to do my regiment. And trust me, this training regiment I do is not for the faint of heart."

"I'd be a fool to underestimate your training regiment," joked Jake, "that reminds me, I better go to a hardware store to make copies of my house key and car key, for you that is. I'm going to be trusting you with my life and it only seems fair that you have spare keys." Yelena smiled and said, "good man. I will make sure no one hurts you." Yes, It was clear that Yelena liked Jake, and he liked her too.

The Bodyguard (Spinoff To Spider-Man Wrongfully Accused)Where stories live. Discover now