Stella's Tale Part 1

Start from the beginning

And strokes of the fur right behind either ear.

But while Stella liked this, she loved even more,

The thing all these hugs came routinely before.

The real cause for joy and what topped off the mood,

was getting her fill of a bowl full of food.

Not any old food but the tastiest treat;

The best any house pet could ask for and eat.

A full five-star meal or perhaps even six;

A tin-full of Old Uncle Merle's Magic Mix.

What made up the mix, I can't say that I know,

But pets ranked it best just as far as foods go.

With Old Uncle Merle's Magic Mix in her plate,

Her days would be good and her nights would be great.

That was, of course, until that one day...

On one fateful Tuesday, the first one in May,

She did all her doings the regular way.

From playtime and sessions of fetch with the dog,

To trekking outdoors for her afternoon jog.

Then as per the usual, not long after that,

Ms. Jessica Gray made it back to the flat.

She snuggled her pets till they felt more than fine,

And served up some food so her furballs could dine.

Then almost on cue Stella joyed at the sight,

And dashed to her bowl for her very first bite.

But just as she did this she went into shock,

And stiffened right up like a kitty-shaped rock.

Not sure what it was that she had in her mouth,

Her joy quickly faded and mood went down south.

Then almost as reflex she recoiled and spat,

And shot up a look that said 'Jess what was that?!'

Then rushing right over, 'I know' stated Jess,

'It's not Uncle Merle's', as she cleaned up the mess.

'But sadly, it isn't in stock anymore,

At pet shops or down at the grocery store.

Perhaps in a while after trying a few,

We'll find food you like that's entirely new.

That's just as delicious as Merle's Magic Mix,

That's worth five full stars or perhaps even six.'

Well, that's what she hoped but it didn't go well.

As Jess went and bought every cat food they sell,

It'd get a quick sniff and a bit of a bite,

But then get rejected by Stella outright.

She didn't like Meowzers or Ms. Patty Paws,

And wouldn't let Chewy Chunks pass through her jaws.

Her fussiness, I think, was just a bit much,

With every new food that she barely would touch.

This drama dragged on for what felt like a year,

Till finally Jess threw her hands in the air;

And said 'Come on Stella a cat needs to eat.

For nice healthy fur and to strengthen the feet'.

Though Stella kept pouting, she knew it was true,

And knew then and there what she needed to do.

She'd start on a mission and go into town,

To track Uncle Merle and his Magic Mix down.

So, with the wheels in motion, she went to bed for a good night's sleep.

She'd need it because...

                                               -Continues in Part 2-

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