Chapter 9 - Exposed And Misunderstanding

Start from the beginning

But, with Victor unable to remember any of it, her situation was looking worse and worse by each passing second.

"So, where have you been?" Victoria asked.

"You didn't really run away with a mystery man, did you?" Victor quickly added.

"Mystery man? I was taken by a corpse."

It was quiet for a moment, but she could tell by their confused and concerned expressions, that they didn't believe what she just said.

"Don't be ridiculous right now, (Y/N). Just be serious for once and tell us the truth."

She was somewhat taken aback by Victor's words. She knew he could find her a little irritating when she lied or made up a nonsense story, especially when it could get him in trouble as well, but he had never sounded so fed up with her before.

"I'm not lying. You saw him. He took me away to be his bride."

"Please, don't make this complicated. I'm not mad, I just want to know what happened to you."

"How dare you!" She angrily exclaimed as she stood up to loom over him. "I risked a lot coming back to make sure you and Victoria got married and could live happily ever after. I lied to probably the kindest man I will ever meet and I'm going to have to live with that unbearable guilt, all so that I could be here for you. And you call me a liar!"

Victor also stood up as he said, "I wouldn't have to accuse you if you just told at least a realistic lie!"

"Please don't fight!" Victoria pleaded. "I'm going to go get my parents, tell them you are back, and then the wedding can go on as planned."

As she made her way around the raging siblings, she was halted as (Y/N) said, "Wait! Wait just a second. Did you postpone the wedding because of me?"

"Yes!" Victor confirmed in a heated tone. "I put my marriage to Victoria on the line because I was worried about what happened to you and wanted you here! And you come back with a ridiculous story."

"But it's true!"

"Enough!" Victor, in desperation, grabbed onto her shoulders and pulled her close. "This isn't a fairy tale or one of your novels. This is real. I'm sorry you may not find love but it is no excuse to make up lies like this."

She was quiet for a moment, unable to believe that her brother could say such cruel things to her in his anger. She risked so much just to get back to him. In the end, she was going to crush Emilien's heart and hurt him beyond anything he could ever truly recover from, just to make sure her brother could be happily married.

And now, her brother was hurting her where it hurt most and he didn't even believe her. She expected cruel words and actions from the Everglots and even her own parents...but not from Victor.

"Victor- "

Before she could try and say something, despite the pain in her heart, the balcony doors suddenly flew open by a strong gust of wind. But, as they all looked over to them, they were left in shock as they saw a corpse groom walk in.

"(Y/N), Darling, I just wanted to meet- " Emilien began to explain but was halted when he saw his bride, his beautiful wife, being held by an unknown man.

They all gasped upon seeing him, unable to comprehend his existence. A living corpse was right there in front of them!

"Darling." Emilien tried to remain polite as he took (Y/N) into his arms and out of Victor's. "Who's this?"

"W-Who is h-he?" Victor stuttered out, hoping this wasn't going where he thought it was going.

"I am her husband."

Emilien confidently held out his hand, proudly showing off the ring that was on it. It was then that the memories of what had happened at the bridge began to flood in Victor's mind. (Y/N) helping him with his vows and the corpse that chased after them. All he could do was stare in horror as he slowly moved his gaze to the corpse, that held his sister so close.

"Oh my..." Victoria, unable to handle it all, slumped down to the floor, somehow managing to not pass out as her wide eyes gazed at them.

Victor could have rushed to help her if he himself wasn't frozen by shock. Yet, miraculously he managed to mumble out, "Husband?"

"See!" (Y/N) snarkily stated as she moved out of Emilien's hold. "I told you he was dead!"

Though she was meanly gloating, having proven that she was telling the truth when she said that she was taken by a corpse to be his bride, and making sure Victor knew just how much of a jerk he was, it brought her no clarity. She still betrayed Emilien's trust and had now probably broken his heart.

Emilien was indeed heartbroken. She had called him dead as if it were something she was ashamed of. That he was not worth anything because of that. And, to top it all off, she lied to him just to come running into the arms of another man.

His anger hit its breaking point as he snatched (Y/N) into his arms and he menacingly whispered, "Hopscotch."

"No!" (Y/N) pleaded as the two of them floated out of the room.

She held out her hand for her brother to take and he had managed to break from his petrified state to try and grab her. 



But it was too late. She and Emilien flew out the balcony doors and disappeared in a shroud of crows, taking her away from her brother once more.

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