1. Silence

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"Air strikes are hitting enemy positions bordering Al Mazah. Intel confirms a concentration of AQ fighters converging in the Valley, we believe they are protecting something."

"Surveillance indicates soldiers guarding three structures, Major Hassan may be holed up inside."

Ghost and Soap will lead a Marines special operations unit to kill or capture Hassan, tonight."

"One helo will insert two teams at separate offset points bordering the target area. Bravo team will sweep and clear buildings one and two, Alpha teams take building three."

"All shooters have execute authority, but we want Hassan alive for questioning."

"Be advised, Major Hassan is AQ's lifeline, if he is there they will die for him."

"Good hunting..."


28 October 2022 0130 Al Mazrah

The Stallion whirred across the early U.R.A skies in the early hours of the morning. It was a brutal thing, ticked with scars of bullets and scrapes from explosions, it was also kitted with the best gear and technology the ever-turning machine of war had to offer.

Despite it all. Despite the millions of dollars and effort put into such a magnificent machine... Its only job was to carry what was truly valuable... A host of very important and dangerous people, Two squads of Marines, and Two immensely deadly SAS operatives. All ready to take down the vengeful Major Hassan.

The Marines in Alpha and Bravo teams did their last-minute preparations with their weapons and equipment. They loaded magazines, and looked over the attached grenades and stuns to their kit, all the while chatting lightly and keeping up good spirits before their mission. Soap sat and eyed his silenced rifle, ensuring his magazine was fitted properly before popping a cigarette in his lip and lighting it up with a lighter that held the cross of the Scottish flag.

The Marine next to him sighed as the scot took a drag. "Man~ I'd die for one of those right about now." Soap smiled in pity, remembering General Shepherd's hard-strung attitude about his Marines smoking before Missions. He stashed his lighter away and was careful to butt some ash safely.

"After the mission, ah'll give ye one, just use yer own spark, this my lucky spark." He grinned.

The Marine shrugged and rested back in his seat on the helicopter. "That's the cruel difference between us and you Brits, You boys get cigs, and beer, and don't have to shave... I thought I got over how much I missed those things but working with SAS brings it all back."

Soap smiled, "Ye sayin' that is gonna make me enjoy this wee fag a whole lot more now." Soap took a long drag and blew his smoke behind himself, out the small malleable crack of the helicopter window.

As he turned back to the Marine, he caught his Lieutenant just off the corner of his eye. Catching a glimpse of the strange and ominous man he is...

He sat hunched over with his elbows on his knees in the far corner of the Helicopter's seating, at the foldable seat that sat just behind the cockpit. His skull mask was glowing red in the overhead lights of the helicopter's cabin, a menacing sight to the Marines who had only ever heard of a mysterious SAS operative with a skull mask... now they felt his deadly presence as the man sat in silence, stewing in dark energy that inwardly triggered their fight-or-flight responses.

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