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Here are some things about this x reader you should know before reading! It's very important so please don't skip the last number at least

1. It's a slowwwwww burn. 

2. It may not be 100% accurate to the lore and some lore will be changed e.g certain events happening and certain times. 

Example A) Barkov's attack on Urzikstan occurs in 2009 rather than 1999 

Example B) Makarov's attack on the sports stadium occurs a month before the Raid on Al Mazrah.

3. I may not finish this x reader (I've never finished any of my others :///)

4. The timeline isn't going to be linear, It's going to flash from the past and you'll just gonna have to like it :)))))

5. You are 25 in this story and born in 1999. Ghost is 34 and was born in 1980.

6. This may be uploaded to Ao3 if you prefer that platform, I will let you know when this will happen.

7. MOST IMPORTANT. This fic deals with sensitive issues of war and violence, with war going on in Ukraine, Palestine, Yemen, Lybia, and everywhere else. I feel it is important to respect the people affected by these very real-world issues. Even though Urzikstan is a fictional country, it can have very real connotations to countries where war is currently occurring. I hope not to offend anyone during this writing, but please keep in mind that these events are purely fictional but a lot of the COD story and lore is based on true and real events.

I hope for a more peaceful world.

Thanks for reading :)

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