Chapter 12

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The news of Garam and Kazuha's newfound relationship sent ripples through the shared house, creating an unspoken tension that hung in the air like a heavy cloud. As the days unfolded, the divide became more apparent, especially to Yunjin and Eunchae.

Yunjin and Eunchae, choosing to keep their distance, withdrew from Garam and Kazuha, confining their conversations to Chaewon and Sakura. Even when necessary work-related discussions arose with Garam or Kazuha, they kept interactions strictly professional, veiling the discomfort beneath a thin layer of politeness.

Garam and Kazuha, wrapped up in the euphoria of their romance, failed to notice the subtle shifts around them. The attempts by Chaewon and Sakura to bridge the gap went largely unnoticed as Yunjin and Eunchae continued their silent withdrawal.

The most surreal moments occurred when Yunjin and Eunchae found themselves in the presence of Garam and Kazuha. An odd charade unfolded where the former pretended not to notice the affectionate exchanges between the couple. Yunjin, maintaining a stoic expression, and Eunchae, absorbed in her own thoughts, created an unsettling atmosphere whenever they were together.

Late one night, when the house was shrouded in silence and everyone else was deep in slumber, Yunjin and Eunchae found themselves alone in the living room, finally breaking the silence that had enveloped them.

Eunchae: "Yunjin, we need to talk."

Yunjin: "Sure Eunchae, what's on your mind?."

Eunchae: "I appreciate your hospitality, but it's been four months, and things have changed. I feel uncomfortable, and I think it's time for me to find my own place."

Yunjin: (reflective) "I should have been more considerate from the beginning. I remember saying you could take your time to find a place, but now I understand it's the right time for you."

Eunchae: (grateful) "Thank you for understanding, Yunjin. You've been a good friend."

Yunjin, despite the acknowledgment, wore a bitter smile. As Eunchae bid her goodbye with a genuine smile, Yunjin nodded in response. Left alone in the quiet living room, Yunjin approached the window and stood there, gazing at the night sky, contemplating the unspoken echoes that had shaped their time together. The house, once filled with shared dreams and camaraderie, now bore the weight of unspoken words and unfulfilled connections.

In the quietude of their shared space, Garam found herself engulfed in a sea of thoughts after Yunjin's casual revelation about Eunchae's plans to move out. The news had blindsided her, and as she processed it, a subtle unease crept into the corners of her mind.

Later that evening, back at their temporary home, Garam couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. Turning to Kazuha, she asked about Eunchae's decision. Kazuha admitted that she, too, had only become aware of it when Eunchae discussed the matter with Chaewon.

As the realization sank in, Garam felt a ripple of concern. The intricately woven plans they had carefully crafted together seemed to tremble with uncertainty. Kazuha, pragmatic as ever, suggested that Garam talk to Eunchae, hoping to persuade her to reconsider.

However, Garam hesitated, unsure of how to navigate such a delicate conversation. Kazuha, her mind always buzzing with strategies, pointed out that their plans hinged on the cohesive dynamic within the group. If Eunchae were to leave, the balance would be disrupted.

In a moment of frustration, Garam insisted that someone could change Eunchae's mind. Kazuha, raising an eyebrow, questioned who possessed such influence. Garam's response was unexpected, "Yunjin."

The mere mention of Yunjin's name stirred a subtle turmoil within Kazuha. She noticed how close Yunjin and Eunchae had become, sharing personal matters exclusively with each other. A twinge of jealousy crept into Kazuha's heart as she considered the possibility of feelings beyond friendship between Yunjin and Eunchae.

You're My World (Kazujin/Shinez)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें