Chapter 1.

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'How did I get here?' Dawn wondered as she paced around her room.

Right now she was being watched by three cold one's. The one who she called family, She one she loved, The one protected, Now call her a monster, They don't trust her just because of one girl.

She tried explaining, Multiple times really but all they did was to tell her to stop lying and She was tired. She truly was. The one's who were supposed to love and protect her, were now just hurting her more.

She couldn't escape because three of them were keeping a eye on her and she couldn't call somebody because they took away her phone. Annoyed, That's what she felt. Annoyed beyond words and she was hurt, Hurt that they would treat her this way.

Dawn sighed, What can she expect anyways from this people.

A phone rang in the room breaking the silence. Dawn's eye's widened, 'What' She thought as she speed to the phone. She didn't forget to silence the room so the other's wouldn't hear.

"Dear sister, It's been a while" The person on the phone said as soon as she picked up.

"Well when you break somebody's trust that's what happens" Dawn sassed back.

"Ouch dear sister, I'm sad now. You pick up the one and first thing you do is scold me" The person on the phone whined.

"Quit your whining. Tell me now, Why did you remember me"

"Well dear sister, A little birdie hear in mystic falls is calling you home" The voice said Joyfully.

"Wha- at?" Dawn asked shocked. She took a few breaths to calm down and said again without letting the voice speak. "Send me the address Now" And cut off the phone.

No seconds later she got the message. 'Mystic Falls, In Virginia. Well you know our home anyway. The mikaelson manor. See you soon sister ;)'

'This motherfucker' Thought Dawn as she speed out of the house in an lightning speed without anyone in the house knowing. Why she didn't do it before? Well she still cared about the people and she wanted to see if they'll change. Alas they did not, Shame for them.

Dawn speed through the forest out of forks without stopping. In fact she didn't stop one bit to her journey to mystic falls which she reached no more than 3 hours later.

Now in mystic falls, Dawn thought she might as well get ready before meeting her little birdie, She has to look good after all. Dawn went straight to the hair salon where she got her hair cut, After that, She did her nails, Not big cause she didn't wanna hurt her little birdie.

She bought (CoughCompelledCough) A outfit to suit and went straight to the local grill she saw before to buy food for her little birdie.

Just as she entered the grill and sat down, A voice cut her through, "Wow you're really pretty" Dawn smirked at the blonde girl who came to her.

"Well thank you darling. You look pretty good yourself"

The girl blushed, "I'm Caroline, Nice to meet you. Are you new here? I haven't seen you here before"

"Indeed love. I'm here to explore the history of mystic falls. Had a friend here and he recommended me to visit. I'm a bit of a history buff so i thought why not" Dawn shrugged. The girl was a vampire she could see so she didn't wanna alert her by mentioning meeting a friend here.

"That's so cool", Caroline flirted eyeing her up and down.

A bag was put on a table, Which dawn took and paid for. "Indeed love. But I have to go now. My name's Sereia Btw" Dawn got up and left.

Mikaelson manor wasn't that hard to find, Especially with how big and shiny it is but that's how her siblings are anyways.

Dawn took a few deep breaths to calm herself down before barging in the house.

"Did somebody miss me?" Dawn asked in the seemingly empty house. A squeal was heard and no less than a minute later, Dawn had a koala on her.

"Its okay little bird, Don't cry. I'm here now aren't I? And i won't leave I promise. You're okay, Yeah? You're okay" Dawn consoled the now crying Rebekah.

"Yeah" Rebekah mumbled into her shoulder, "I'm okay"

They both just hugged for a while, Missing eachother more than anything in the world.

"Did you miss me too sister?" A voice cut them off from there little moment. They both turned around to see none other than the mikaelson brother's looking at them.

"Nice to see you all too" Dawn said with a genuine smile. All the brother's smiled back much more enthusiastically.

"No hug for me?" Klaus pouted and went to get a hug but Elijah pulled him back. All of them know they won't get to talk before Rebekah amd Dawn spend atleast a day with each other.

Dawn just raised a eyebrow at them before taking Rebekah to their room where she showed just how much she missed her.

In the end Rebekah couldn't stand up for atleast 2 days.

"Its no fair I can't stand up and you're moving around" Rebekah pouted and complained. She was right now laying in a broken bed, With nothing but a blanket on her.

Dawn laughed, "You can't blame me. Who was the one crying more and more repeatedly last night?"

"You mean 5 minutes ago" Rebekah blushed and Sassed.

"Fine fine but you can't blame me when you look just so yummy" Dawn's eye's darkened looking at rebekah.

"NO. If you do it again, I won't be able to stand for another day. And its no fair you use your magic to make me more human" Rebekah complained. But they both knew she liked it.

Dawn liked leaving marks on rebekah that wouldn't leave for days because she uses magic and she liked claiming rebekah as hers.

In the end, Dawn did convince Rebekah to go another round.

" You mean another 8 rounds!!!"


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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