Chapter 2

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"What do you mean star attacks? I thought we could only do bones." I was confused, star attacks?, I tried remembering any AU that had a stary sky for 24 hours until one popped up. Outertale.

I can't believe it didn't click when I saw the sky. I sighed and looked at my new brother, papyrus, he was about what you expected a papyrus to look like. Tall, scarf, and trying his best.

I watch paps demonstrate star attacks and instantly wanted to learn them, I loved the stars back when I was younger and would always sneak out of my room to see them.

"Now you try brother! With the great papyrus teaching you, you'll get it down in no time! Nyeh hehe hehe hehe!" "Definitely paps, you're the coolest" I try and form a star attack, imagining stars falling to see if that helps. I see two yellow stars hit the floor and burst, turning into multiple small yellow stars shooting out in every direction.

I was happy with myself for getting it down and when I looked at Papyrus he seemed happy that he helped me. They got me thinking though, what about my blasters? If I remember correctly almost every sans has a blaster.

Papyrus grabbed onto my shoulders suddenly, shaking me out of my thoughts. "Brother!! We should eat my famous star pancakes! Let's go!" Papyrus dragged me back to the house and kicked open our door, sitting me at the table and putting a plate with star shaped pancakes on it in front of me.

They looked absolutely delicious, when I took a bite my eyes widened, aren't Papyrus's supposed to be bad at cooking? Cause these were amazing! Papyrus seemed to notice how much I liked them because his face went from nervous to excited

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They looked absolutely delicious, when I took a bite my eyes widened, aren't Papyrus's supposed to be bad at cooking? Cause these were amazing! Papyrus seemed to notice how much I liked them because his face went from nervous to excited.

"These are delicious Paps, have you been practicing?" "Why yes brother! I, the great papyrus, always practice!" I chuckled and finished eating, getting up and going up to my room. "Well bro, I'm gonna sleep now, it's pretty late out right now" I yawn, feeling drowsy. "Very well brother, I took shall retire to my bed, goodnight brother" I enter my room and flop onto the bed, feeling pooped.

"I really need to practice my blasters when I can,maybe I can find a spot to train on my own for a while." I eventually fall into a dreamless sleep.

(Author here, sorry the chapter is short but I had to go somewhere and I sorta ran out of ideas so here this is)

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