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  Jesse had helped people up and guided them to safety. They were all avoiding touching the debris. Jesse, of course, thought it was probably some response to being stuck in the wither or something. He fell into a piece of debris and felt this sickly and disgusting black goo. Gross! He thought to himself. And that's all there was to it.

  Once Jesse and his friends had built enough quick huts for everyone to stay in and recover, Axel realized something. "Guys," he said, "We ran out of materials before we built something for ourselves!" Everyone groaned upon hearing that, knowing they'd have to build a dirt hut and sleep on the ground or something. Jesse was already uncomfortable considering he'd only took a dip in the lake to get the goo off of him, his hands felt sticky and everything.

  Lukas started collecting some dirt so they could start building. As they were building their hut, Petra had gone to mine and find some materials to give people weapons so they could defend themselves against mobs in a just in case scenario. Once the group was done with their hut, they walked in and sat in it. They were all so exhausted and hungry, especially Jesse, he almost fell asleep against the wall of the hut because he was so tired.

  Axel spoke up, "Guys, guess what" he said, fully confident. They all looked at him, and he pulled out some chicken. "Some chickens died when everything went crashing down, so we have good food!" He said, as if he'd done something life-changing. Everyone stared at him before Olivia started speaking.

  "How are you planning on cooking that?" She said, "We can't eat raw chicken, we'll get sick." Axel put the chicken away after that, then sat down, bummed out like everyone else. Jesse felt extra tired, though he brushed it off as just being from adventuring and being upset over Reuben. He decided he was going to sleep off his hunger and find some apples of some sort in the morning. He laid down and went to sleep.

  The next morning he woke up and sighed. He still felt tired, but he brushed it off and got up. It was too late in the day to go back to sleep anyway, he has responsibilities. He stepped outside and people were building their own new town. He was happy for them and smiled to himself. He went out and started helping them build. Even Petra had been helping out, and she wasn't really a builder, more of a fighter.

  Everyone was happy to not have to worry about such big creatures and issues like the Wither, and rather, were at peace. They could go back to living happily with their families and friends.

Nothing Can Change The Way I Love You(A Jesskas fic)Where stories live. Discover now