Chapter 2

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I blew up the pre-Algebra teacher

Don't be a silent reader

Look, I didn't want to be a halfblood. Being a halfblood is dangerous. It's scary. Most of the time it gets you killed, in painful, nasty ways.If you think you might be one of us, my advice is turn away while you still can, because once you know what you are... they'll sense it too and they'll come for you.Don't say I didn't warn you. My name is Percy Jackson. I'm twelve years old. Am I a troubled kid? Yeah, you could say that.Bad grades, bullies, all the normal stuff.And then there's some other stuff.Some stuff that's... maybe not so normal."

Second grade Percy was up on the roof till the teacher found him and brought him back down. That's me, back in second grade. Why was I up there? Ι saw something.At least... I could have sworn I saw something.

"When you say you something like that, you wind up in this guy's office." Percy narrates as he is in the countless office"Good news, he's saying there's nothing to worry about. It's all in my imagination, but if it happens again, make sure to tell someone. " he then see a mechanical bull which he then looks back again to see a garage truck "It happened again. These impossible things that felt like they walked right out of the stories my mom always told me.So real one minute, and then the next..."

"Hey, fellas, wanna come hear about the imaginary stuff I see? It's not a thing you wanna be saying, to anyone, so I didn't. Except to one person" Soon Percy was in the living room as Persephone sits next to him looking at his drawings and smiling. "My sister Persephone Jackson aka Percy 2.She says the imagination is strong in us Jackson's and that makes us special...ever since she came to our home when i was six....and Gabe mysteriously ran away. She has been someone that is there for me and somehow understand more than mom...i don't know much about her but she said when th time is right she will tell me "

"Percy some secrets are kept for reasons sometimes they are good reason and sometimes they are bad" Persephone said as she had finished reading a book to Percy for his bedtime. "I am not ready to tell you mine like i told mom....but all i can say and i have the same path of fate and i am here to be your guide...and your sister in your times of need"

"Then... something changed.I met Grover. We had a lot in common." Percy was paying mythomagic together

"Only he " grover got hit by Nancy's backpack as they walk by. Percy wanted to fight back for his friend but Grover said not "not just because we were both at the bottom of the food chain. And you know what? It felt good to talk about these things with Grover.I could almost believe they were imaginary.Weird, but harmless. Until the day that changed, too. Until the day one of them decided to come for me."


Persephone,now 26 and now forever 25,comes back from her part-time model job and sees her mom's phone ringing. "Mom your phone is ringing," she said as she answered it first "Hello...." "Hi is this Ms Jackson?" "Yes this is Ms Jackson " she said "I am the principal of your son's school, Percy to be expelled from school cause he failed to admit to his mistake him pushing Miss Bobofit into the fountain despite several witnesses

"Ahh....and what of Miss Bobofit, is she getting punished ?" Persephone said, "I am sorry?" "Well I have heard and made complaints to your school about Miss Bobofit behaviour her bullying Percy and his friend Grover for months and none of you decided to punish her but instead just punished my brother Percy Jackson. Sorry, he is not going to be expelled but I am going to withdraw him from that so-called school of yours. As his older sister and his second legal guardian, I will ensure that my baby brother gets better school than yours cause you dumb people don't punish the right people...good day!" She hung up the phone and yelled

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