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I remember those scary stories my mother told me about Crystal Cove.

How she always believed that a curse plagued this small town. Ever since the disappearance of the founding family who renamed this place to Crystal Cove, things have never been the same.

On one Halloween night 75 years ago, a man by the name of Cesar Darrow and his family vanished out of nowhere. No notes, struggles of being taken, or even an indication that they would do such a thing. Clothes and house still in tact, house running as it was before what ever took them. No one could truly explain it and soon their house would turn into its own historic landmark. A place that none would ever dare to enter alone.

Others in town believed that him and his family just up and left but others of us, we know better. It could never be that simple.

While there are many of us who don't believe in the scary parts of the world where it doesn't make sense, there are those of us who do.

I'd like to believe that there is a logical reason for everything that happens, and that these monsters are just people behind masks.

But even I have grown to know better....

We are truly not the only things walking this earth and are foolish to ever keep thinking we are.

Crystal Cove was named the  "Most Haunted Place On Earth" and I'm starting to believe it too.

I go in buildings and feel like I'm not alone. Even among the people on the streets, I can never shake the feeling that something beyond is watching me to.

People are disappearing, they are dying, and these monsters aren't all masked people. There are some mask that can't come off because they are real.

I personally can't sit by until my friends are dead for any of this to come to an end. We were just kids with our dog, all who found each other because of our love for mysteries. No one told us that it went deeper than the mask, and the haunted houses. We wanted to uncover the truth but none of us expected the horror and chaos this one decision could bring. Now we have to put an end to the curse that has plagued Crystal Cove for years.

I just hope we can do it without losing each other. I can't loose the family I've made away from home.

We have to save each other and this town from the plague of darkness.

Before it's too late.....

-Daphne Blake

-Daphne Blake

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13 ⏰

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