Chapter 12

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Fintan's POV

[A/N: Just for reference, this takes place right after last chapter. (Chapter 11)]

I was walking while internally mocking Gethen for his gullibility when I slammed straight into somebody. I looked up, about to apologize for not paying attention, when I saw who it was. Alvar. And, mind you, I was still not over the Alvar-hiding-the-fact-that-the-soaps-were-stolen-until-it-was-too-late incident.

So, instead of an apology, I decided on an: "Oh. It's you."

Alvar looked at his feet. "About the soaps, Fintan, I'm—"

"Save it." I snapped. "Gisela might be all forgiving towards you, but she has not convinced me not to fire you. Yet. You have five days to prove your worth, or you will be fired." And I stormed away like I had with Gethen just a few minutes ago. Wow, I was really storming off a lot lately. Bossing (and threatening) employees around was a really great way to let out all my anger.


I was enjoying the repose of my office when I heard a knock on the door. Great. What now?

Apparently not waiting for permission to enter, Gethen busted into my office, out of breath.

"Fintan!" he panted. "I just had an amazing idea."

I frowned thoughtfully. What had Gethen come up with? Should I be worried? I assumed the answer to my second question was a yes.

"What is it?" I wondered, hoping I wouldn't regret asking.

"Well, you know how people keep saying they would rate zero stars if they could?"

I nodded. "And do you have a solution?"

Gethen frowned. "Well, maybe. I think that if we added a zero star option, people might be so impressed, they will raise their review!"

"You know what, Gethen? That's a good idea."

Gethen glowed. "Really?"

"No!" I told him.

Gethen looked taken aback. "Wait, what?"

"Then our hotel ranking will move from 1 star to 0 stars." I told him. "We can't have that happen!

"Wait. Aren't our room prices really high, though? We can just lower them. Then we can keep our current rating and use my idea!" Gethen had the nerve to suggest.

"What? No!" I thought it was impossible to get more annoyed. I was wrong.

"So, should I add the option onto our website today or tomorrow?" Gethen asked.

I sighed, but it came out more as a growl. "What did I just say?"

Gethen looked thoughtful. "I don't know. I wasn't really listening."

I fought the urge to scream in his face. "You know what, Gethen? Get out of my office. And don't add a zero-star option onto our website."

Gethen nodded solemnly. "Whatever you say, Sir Fintan."

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