Tez 💙: We'll be out here when you're ready

Captain asshole💙: If you're people start acting stupid let us know we'll come inside

I headed inside following my mom into the living room. She looked between Wesley and me before something flashed through them. " Angelica." My dad said freezing just behind the couch stopped when he saw me. He looked as if he couldn't believe I was actually here. He walked towards me and pulled me into a hug, but I refused to hug him back. I pushed him away staring at him. "I didn't come here for this. Did you sleep with a woman named Corrine?" His eyes widened.

"How do you know about her?" I ignored his questions. "Did you?" He looked back at my mom. "Yes." I looked at Wesley who couldn't even look at my father. "Did you have kids with her?" He looked down guilty then he turned so he was facing my mother and me. "Yes." He winced. "Two boys. They should be about 17 and 19. I lost contact with them."

"Really that's all you have to say. You lost contact with us?" Dad looked at Wesley before realization washed over his face. "Wesley?" "You abandoned my mom and us. We were homeless." He barked. "I'm sorry. I tried to find you but your mom—," "Died! She died and we were alone." The room was so intense, and the air felt thick with emotions. "Wesley, I didn't know. I would've been there." I scoffed at that.

"She asked me to stay away after she had Simon, and I did. But I still made sure Simon was taken care of and before I knew we were back in contact, which led to us having you. She asked me to leave my wife—and as much as I loved Corrine I wasn't leaving my wife." Dad looked down ashamed which he should be.

My eyes drifted to my mother, and I could tell just by looking at her face, she knew. "I didn't know she died until she'd already been buried. I asked about you and Simon and they said someone came and got you." "I don't want to hear that shit. You weren't there. you were over in suburbia living it up. Fuck you!" Wesley spat before turning to me. "Can we go?" I nodded as he walked to the door.

" Angelica." My dad said grabbing my arm. I snatched it away. "Where's Jayden?" I asked. No one spoke. "Jayden!" I yelled. "Jayden!" I called before hearing soft footsteps. "Gigi!" He screamed with a big smile. "Hi, buddy." I cooed kissing his cheek. "You ready to go home." "Yeah." I scooped him up and headed out to the boys' car.


I made up a room for Wesley and then got Jay ready for bed before heading to my room. I sighed exhausted. Tez and Christian walked in, but I just wasn't in the mood to deal with anything. I grabbed some clothes and headed to the shower just letting the water run down my face before a pair of arms wrapped around me. From the hold, it was obvious it was Christian. I turned pressing my face into his chest as I cried as no words were spoken between us. After finishing our shower we got dressed and found ourselves back in bed. I was lying between the two of them half asleep when they began to talk quietly.


"I wish we could take some of this shit off of her." "Shit me too. One person can only deal with so much before they crack, and you can see it all starting to get to her." Cortez stared at the ceiling as he rubbed her hand.

"I know. She said she talk to us if things were getting to her." "Is it bad that I want to break her pop's jaw?" I couldn't help but laugh at that because I was thinking the same thing. "Great minds think alike." Angel chuckled at that.

"Make that three, but I am fine." She mumbled barely awake. "Maybe so but your parents are alive, and you have two new brothers. That is a lot to take in." She turned looking up at me.

"Yes it is, but I'm fine. I promise. I'm just a little frustrated which I'm allowed to be." "You are and I accept that, but I don't like it." She chuckled. "Will you tell us what happened with your parents?" Tez asked. "My dad admitted to the affair and I'm almost positive my mom knew about it too." She said as she sat up.

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